Francisco Garcia
Francisco Garcia
PIma County
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Cited by
American Cancer Society, American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, and American Society for Clinical Pathology screening guidelines for the prevention and early …
D Saslow, D Solomon, HW Lawson, M Killackey, SL Kulasingam, J Cain, ...
American journal of clinical pathology 137 (4), 516-542, 2012
Screening for breast cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
AL Siu, US Preventive Services Task Force
Annals of internal medicine 164 (4), 279-296, 2016
The lower anogenital squamous terminology standardization project for HPV-associated lesions: background and consensus recommendations from the College of American Pathologists …
TM Darragh, TJ Colgan, JT Cox, DS Heller, MR Henry, RD Luff, ...
Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine 136 (10), 1266-1297, 2012
Screening for colorectal cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, SJ Curry, KW Davidson, JW Epling, ...
Jama 315 (23), 2564-2575, 2016
Screening for depression in adults: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
AL Siu, K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, LC Baumann, KW Davidson, ...
Jama 315 (4), 380-387, 2016
2019 ASCCP risk-based management consensus guidelines for abnormal cervical cancer screening tests and cancer precursors
RB Perkins, RS Guido, PE Castle, D Chelmow, MH Einstein, F Garcia, ...
Journal of lower genital tract disease 24 (2), 102-131, 2020
Use of primary high-risk human papillomavirus testing for cervical cancer screening: interim clinical guidance
WK Huh, KA Ault, D Chelmow, DD Davey, RA Goulart, FA Garcia, ...
Journal of lower genital tract disease 19 (2), 91-96, 2015
American Cancer Society Guideline for human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine use to prevent cervical cancer and its precursors
D Saslow, PE Castle, JT Cox, DD Davey, MH Einstein, DG Ferris, ...
CA: a cancer journal for clinicians 57 (1), 7-28, 2007
Interim guidance for the use of human papillomavirus DNA testing as an adjunct to cervical cytology for screening
TC Wright Jr, M Schiffman, D Solomon, JT Cox, F Garcia, S Goldie, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 103 (2), 304-309, 2004
Statin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in adults: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, SJ Curry, KW Davidson, JW Epling, ...
Jama 316 (19), 1997-2007, 2016
Cervical cancer prevention: new tools and old barriers
IC Scarinci, FAR Garcia, E Kobetz, EE Partridge, HM Brandt, MC Bell, ...
Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer …, 2010
Folic acid supplementation for the prevention of neural tube defects: US preventive services task force recommendation statement
K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, SJ Curry, KW Davidson, JW Epling, ...
Jama 317 (2), 183-189, 2017
Screening for preeclampsia: US preventive services task force recommendation statement
K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, SJ Curry, MJ Barry, KW Davidson, ...
Jama 317 (16), 1661-1667, 2017
Cactus pear: a natural product in cancer chemoprevention
D Zou, M Brewer, F Garcia, JM Feugang, J Wang, R Zang, H Liu, C Zou
Nutrition journal 4, 1-12, 2005
Screening for autism spectrum disorder in young children: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
AL Siu, K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, LC Baumann, KW Davidson, ...
Jama 315 (7), 691-696, 2016
Screening for skin cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, SJ Curry, KW Davidson, M Ebell, ...
Jama 316 (4), 429-435, 2016
Screening for obstructive sleep apnea in adults: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, SJ Curry, KW Davidson, JW Epling, ...
Jama 317 (4), 407-414, 2017
ZYC101a for treatment of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a randomized controlled trial
F Garcia, KU Petry, L Muderspach, MA Gold, P Braly, CP Crum, M Magill, ...
Obstetrics & Gynecology 103 (2), 317-326, 2004
ACS-ASCCP-ASCP cervical cancer guideline committee. American cancer society, american society for colposcopy and cervical pathology, and american society for clinical pathology …
D Saslow, D Solomon, HW Lawson, M Killackey, SL Kulasingam, J Cain, ...
CA Cancer J Clin 62 (3), 147-172, 2012
Screening for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement
AL Siu, K Bibbins-Domingo, DC Grossman, KW Davidson, JW Epling, ...
Jama 315 (13), 1372-1377, 2016
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