Olivier Sterck
Olivier Sterck
Associate Professor, University of Oxford and University of Antwerpen
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Lives and Livelihoods: Estimates of the Global Mortality and Poverty Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic
B Decerf, FHG Ferreira, DG Mahler, OCB Sterck
World Development 146 (105561), 2021
Refugee Economies in Uganda: What Difference Does the the Self-Reliance Model Make?
A Betts, I Chaara, N Omata, O Sterck
Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, 2019
Diagnosing the securitisation of immigration at the EU level: A new method for stronger empirical claims
SJ Baele, OC Sterck
Political Studies 63 (5), 1120-1139, 2015
Self-reliance in Kalobeyei? Socio-economic outcomes for refugees in North-West Kenya
A Betts, N Omata, R Geervliet, C MacPherson, C Rogers, O Sterck
Refugee Studies Centre, 2018
Cash transfers and migration: Theory and evidence from a randomized controlled trial
J Gazeaud, E Mvukiyehe, O Sterck
Review of Economics and Statistics 105 (1), 143-157, 2023
Death and destitution: the global distribution of welfare losses from the COVID-19 pandemic
FHG Ferreira, O Sterck, DG Mahler, B Decerf
IZA Discussion Papers, 2021
The Kalobeyei settlement: A self-reliance model for refugees?
A Betts, N Omata, O Sterck
Journal of Refugee Studies 33 (1), 189-223, 2020
Empowering refugees through cash and agriculture: A regression discontinuity design
C MacPherson, O Sterck
Journal of Development Economics 149, 102614, 2021
What does the “terrorist” label really do? Measuring and explaining the effects of the “terrorist” and “Islamist” categories
SJ Baele, OC Sterck, T Slingeneyer, GP Lits
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 42 (5), 520-540, 2019
Financing the HIV response in sub-Saharan Africa from domestic sources: moving beyond a normative approach
M Remme, M Siapka, O Sterck, M Ncube, C Watts, A Vassall
Social Science & Medicine 169, 66-76, 2016
Refugees welcome? Inter-group interaction and host community attitude formation
A Betts, MF Stierna, N Omata, O Sterck
World Development 161, 106088, 2023
Interest rates in savings groups: Thrift or threat?
M Le Polain, O Sterck, M Nyssens
World Development 101, 162-172, 2018
Theorizing and measuring emotions in conflict: The case of the 2011 Palestinian statehood bid
SJ Baele, OC Sterck, E Meur
Journal of Conflict Resolution 60 (4), 718-747, 2016
Is Chinese aid different?
A Hoeffler, O Sterck
World Development 156, 105908, 2022
From rebellion to electoral violence: Evidence from Burundi
A Colombo, O d’Aoust, O Sterck
Economic Development and Cultural Change 67 (2), 333-368, 2019
The ethics of security research: An ethics framework for contemporary security studies
SJ Baele, D Lewis, A Hoeffler, OC Sterck, T Slingeneyer
International Studies Perspectives 19 (2), 105-127, 2018
Self-reliance and social networks: Explaining refugees’ reluctance to relocate from Kakuma to Kalobeyei
A Betts, N Omata, O Sterck
Journal of Refugee Studies 33 (1), 62-85, 2020
The Moral and Fiscal Implications of Anti-Retroviral Therapies for HIV in Africa
P Collier, O Sterck
Oxford Economic Papers 70 (2), 353-374, 2018
Cash transfers and micro-enterprise performance: Theory and quasi-experimental evidence from Kenya
A Delius, O Sterck
Journal of Development Economics 167, 103232, 2024
Allocation of development assistance for health: is the predominance of national income justified?
O Sterck, M Roser, M Ncube, S Thewissen
Health Policy and Planning 33 (suppl_1), i14-i23, 2018
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Articles 1–20