Frantisek Nemec
Frantisek Nemec
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Systematic analysis of equatorial noise below the lower hybrid frequency
O Santolík, F Němec, K Gereová, E Macúšová, Y De Conchy, ...
Annales Geophysicae 22 (7), 2587-2595, 2004
Decrease of intensity of ELF/VLF waves observed in the upper ionosphere close to earthquakes: A statistical study
F Němec, O Santolík, M Parrot
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A4), 2009
Spacecraft observations of electromagnetic perturbations connected with seismic activity
F Němec, O Santolík, M Parrot, JJ Berthelier
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (5), 2008
Initial results of a survey of equatorial noise emissions observed by the Cluster spacecraft
F Němec, O Santolík, K Gereová, E Macúšová, Y de Conchy, ...
Planetary and Space Science 53 (1-3), 291-298, 2005
Nightside ionosphere of Mars: Radar soundings by the Mars Express spacecraft
F Němec, DD Morgan, DA Gurnett, F Duru
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 115 (E12), 2010
Dayside ionosphere of Mars: Empirical model based on data from the MARSIS instrument
F Němec, DD Morgan, DA Gurnett, F Duru, V Truhlík
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 116 (E7), 2011
Solar wind density spectra around the ion spectral break
J Šafránková, Z Němeček, F Němec, L Přech, A Pitňa, CHK Chen, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 803 (2), 107, 2015
Additional attenuation of natural VLF electromagnetic waves observed by the DEMETER spacecraft resulting from preseismic activity
D Píša, F Němec, O Santolík, M Parrot, M Rycroft
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (8), 5286-5295, 2013
Power line harmonic radiation (PLHR) observed by the DEMETER spacecraft
F Němec, O Santolík, M Parrot, JJ Berthelier
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A4), 2006
Analysis methods for multi-component wave measurements on board the DEMETER spacecraft
O Santolík, F Němec, M Parrot, D Lagoutte, L Madrias, JJ Berthelier
Planetary and Space Science 54 (5), 512-527, 2006
Power spectral density of fluctuations of bulk and thermal speeds in the solar wind
J Šafránková, Z Němeček, F Němec, L Přech, CHK Chen, GN Zastenker
The Astrophysical Journal 825 (2), 121, 2016
Systematic analysis of occurrence of equatorial noise emissions using 10 years of data from the Cluster mission
Z Hrbáčková, O Santolík, F Němec, E Macúšová, N Cornilleau‐Wehrlin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (2), 1007-1021, 2015
Areas of enhanced ionization in the deep nightside ionosphere of Mars
F Němec, DD Morgan, DA Gurnett, DA Brain
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 116 (E6), 2011
Control of the topside Martian ionosphere by crustal magnetic fields
DJ Andrews, NJT Edberg, AI Eriksson, DA Gurnett, D Morgan, F Němec, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (4), 3042-3058, 2015
Power line harmonic radiation observed by satellite: Properties and propagation through the ionosphere
F Němec, O Santolík, M Parrot, J Bortnik
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A8), 2008
The impact of various mulch types on soil properties controlling water regime of the Haplic Fluvisol
L Pavlů, R Kodešová, M Fér, A Nikodem, F Němec, R Prokeš
Soil and Tillage Research 205, 104748, 2021
Propagation of equatorial noise to low altitudes: Decoupling from the magnetosonic mode
O Santolík, M Parrot, F Němec
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (13), 6694-6704, 2016
Conjugate observations of quasi‐periodic emissions by Cluster and DEMETER spacecraft
F Němec, O Santolík, M Parrot, JS Pickett, M Hayosh, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (1), 198-208, 2013
Power line harmonic radiation: A systematic study using DEMETER spacecraft
F Němec, O Santolík, M Parrot, JJ Berthelier
Advances in Space Research 40 (3), 398-403, 2007
Equatorial noise: Statistical study of its localization and the derived number density
F Němec, O Santolık, K Gereová, E Macúšová, H Laakso, Y de Conchy, ...
Advances in Space Research 37 (3), 610-616, 2006
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