Kristofer Tvingstedt
Kristofer Tvingstedt
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On the origin of the open-circuit voltage of polymer–fullerene solar cells
K Vandewal, K Tvingstedt, A Gadisa, O Inganäs, JV Manca
Nature materials 8 (11), 904-909, 2009
Consensus stability testing protocols for organic photovoltaic materials and devices
MO Reese, SA Gevorgyan, M Jørgensen, E Bundgaard, SR Kurtz, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (5), 1253-1267, 2011
Relating the open-circuit voltage to interface molecular properties of donor: acceptor bulk heterojunction solar cells
K Vandewal, K Tvingstedt, A Gadisa, O Inganäs, JV Manca
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (12), 125204, 2010
Intrinsic non-radiative voltage losses in fullerene-based organic solar cells
J Benduhn, K Tvingstedt, F Piersimoni, S Ullbrich, Y Fan, M Tropiano, ...
Nature Energy 2 (6), 1-6, 2017
Electroluminescence from charge transfer states in polymer solar cells
K Tvingstedt, K Vandewal, A Gadisa, F Zhang, J Manca, O Inganas
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (33), 11819-11824, 2009
Radiative efficiency of lead iodide based perovskite solar cells
K Tvingstedt, O Malinkiewicz, A Baumann, C Deibel, HJ Snaith, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 6071, 2014
Electrode grids for ITO-free organic photovoltaic devices
K Tvingstedt, O Inganäs
Advanced Materials 19 (19), 2893-2897, 2007
Identification of trap states in perovskite solar cells
A Baumann, S Väth, P Rieder, MC Heiber, K Tvingstedt, V Dyakonov
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (12), 2350-2354, 2015
Surface plasmon increase absorption in polymer photovoltaic cells
K Tvingstedt, NK Persson, O Inganäs, A Rahachou, IV Zozoulenko
Applied Physics Letters 91 (11), 2007
Understanding the role of cesium and rubidium additives in perovskite solar cells: trap states, charge transport, and recombination
Y Hu, EM Hutter, P Rieder, I Grill, J Hanisch, MF Aygüler, AG Hufnagel, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (16), 1703057, 2018
A round robin study of flexible large-area roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cell modules
FC Krebs, SA Gevorgyan, B Gholamkhass, S Holdcroft, C Schlenker, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (11), 1968-1977, 2009
Quantification of Quantum efficiency and energy losses in low bandgap polymer: fullerene solar cells with high open‐circuit voltage
K Vandewal, Z Ma, J Bergqvist, Z Tang, E Wang, P Henriksson, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (16), 3480-3490, 2012
Investigation on polymer anode design for flexible polymer solar cells
Y Zhou, F Zhang, K Tvingstedt, S Barrau, F Li, W Tian, O Inganäs
Applied Physics Letters 92 (23), 2008
Trapping light with micro lenses in thin film organic photovoltaic cells
K Tvingstedt, SD Zilio, O Inganäs, M Tormen
Optics express 16 (26), 21608-21615, 2008
On the dissociation efficiency of charge transfer excitons and frenkel excitons in organic solar cells: a luminescence quenching study
K Tvingstedt, K Vandewal, F Zhang, O Inganas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (49), 21824-21832, 2010
Removing leakage and surface recombination in planar perovskite solar cells
K Tvingstedt, L Gil-Escrig, C Momblona, P Rieder, D Kiermasch, ...
ACS Energy Letters 2 (2), 424-430, 2017
Folded reflective tandem polymer solar cell doubles efficiency
K Tvingstedt, V Andersson, F Zhang, O Inganäs
Applied Physics Letters 91 (12), 2007
Emissive and charge-generating donor–acceptor interfaces for organic optoelectronics with low voltage losses
S Ullbrich, J Benduhn, X Jia, VC Nikolis, K Tvingstedt, F Piersimoni, ...
Nature materials 18 (5), 459-464, 2019
High photovoltage achieved in low band gap polymer solar cells by adjusting energy levels of a polymer with the LUMOs of fullerene derivatives
F Zhang, J Bijleveld, E Perzon, K Tvingstedt, S Barrau, O Inganäs, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (45), 5468-5474, 2008
Influence of molecular weight on the performance of organic solar cells based on a fluorene derivative
C Müller, E Wang, LM Andersson, K Tvingstedt, Y Zhou, MR Andersson, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 20 (13), 2124-2131, 2010
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