János Pipek
János Pipek
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A fast intrinsic localization procedure applicable for abinitio and semiempirical linear combination of atomic orbital wave functions
J Pipek, PG Mezey
The Journal of Chemical Physics 90 (9), 4916-4926, 1989
Universal classification scheme for the spatial-localization properties of one-particle states in finite, d-dimensional systems
J Pipek, I Varga
Physical Review A 46 (6), 3148, 1992
Rényi entropies characterizing the shape and the extension of the phase space representation of quantum wave functions in disordered systems
I Varga, J Pipek
Physical Review E 68 (2), 026202, 2003
Elementary formula for entanglement entropies of fermionic systems
P Lévay, S Nagy, J Pipek
Physical Review A 72 (2), 022302, 2005
Localization measure and maximum delocalization in molecular systems
J Pipek
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 36 (4), 487-501, 1989
Measures of spatial entanglement in a two-electron model atom
J Pipek, I Nagy
Physical Review A 79 (5), 052501, 2009
Shape analysis of the level-spacing distribution around the metal-insulator transition in the three-dimensional Anderson model
I Varga, E Hofstetter, M Schreiber, J Pipek
Physical Review B 52 (11), 7783, 1995
Formation of excited formaldehyde in model reactions simulating real biological systems
L Trézl, J Pipek
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 170, 213-223, 1988
Power-law localization at the metal-insulator transition by a quasiperiodic potential in one dimension
I Varga, J Pipek, B Vasvári
Physical Review B 46 (8), 4978, 1992
Dependence of MO shapes on a continuous measure of delocalization
J Pipek, PG Mezey
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 34 (S22), 1-13, 1988
Statistical electron densities
J Pipek, I Varga
International journal of quantum chemistry 64 (1), 85-93, 1997
On an economic prediction of the finer resolution level wavelet coefficients in electron structure calculations
S Nagy, J Pipek
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.00122, 2015
One-parameter superscaling at the metal-insulator transition in three dimensions
I Varga, E Hofstetter, J Pipek
Physical review letters 82 (23), 4683, 1999
An economic prediction of refinement coefficients in wavelet‐based adaptive methods for electron structure calculations
J Pipek, S Nagy
Journal of computational chemistry 34 (6), 460-465, 2013
Heat treatment parameters effecting the fractal dimensions of AuGe metallization on GaAs
I Mojzes, C Dominkovics, G Harsányi, S Nagy, J Pipek, L Dobos
Applied Physics Letters 91 (7), 3107, 2007
Many-Body Perturbation Theory with Localized Orbitals—Kapuy’s Approach
J Pipek, F Bogár
Correlation and Localization, 43-61, 1999
An effective recursive algorithm for generating many-body Hugenholtz and Goldstone diagrams
Z Csépes, J Pipek
Journal of Computational Physics 77 (1), 1-17, 1988
Approximations for the interparticle interaction energy in an exactly solvable two-electron model atom
I Nagy, J Pipek
Physical Review A 81 (1), 014501, 2010
Localization in aromatic and conjugated hydrocarbons. Shape studies on canonical PPP one‐electron eigenfunctions
J Pipek, I Varga, T Nagy
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 37 (4), 529-537, 1990
The generalized localization lengths in one-dimensional systems with correlated disorder
I Varga, J Pipek
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (2), 305, 1998
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Articles 1–20