Natalia Kucirkova
Natalia Kucirkova
University of Stavanger, Norway and The Open University, UK
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Cited by
Mobile and interactive media use by young children: the good, the bad, and the unknown
JS Radesky, J Schumacher, B Zuckerman
Pediatrics 135 (1), 1-3, 2015
New directions for early literacy in a digital age: The iPad
R Flewitt, D Messer, N Kucirkova
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 15 (3), 289-310, 2015
Children's engagement with educational iPad apps: Insights from a Spanish classroom
N Kucirkova, D Messer, K Sheehy, CF Panadero
Computers & Education 71, 175-184, 2014
Pre‐school children creating and communicating with digital technologies in the home
J McPake, L Plowman, C Stephen
British Journal of Educational Technology 44 (3), 421-431, 2013
A comparison of children’s reading on paper versus screen: A meta-analysis
MI Furenes, N Kucirkova, AG Bus
Review of educational research 91 (4), 483-517, 2021
iPads in early education: separating assumptions and evidence
N Kucirkova
Frontiers in psychology 5, 715, 2014
Touching the virtual, touching the real: iPads and enabling literacy for students experiencing disability
R Flewitt, N Kucirkova, D Messer
The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy 37 (2), 107-116, 2014
Sharing personalised stories on iPads: a close look at one parent–child interaction
N Kucirkova, D Messer, K Sheehy, R Flewitt
Literacy 47 (3), 115-122, 2013
Dimensions of personalisation in technology‐enhanced learning: A framework and implications for design
E FitzGerald, N Kucirkova, A Jones, S Cross, R Ferguson, C Herodotou, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (1), 165-181, 2018
Young children’s reading for pleasure with digital books: six key facets of engagement
N Kucirkova, K Littleton, T Cremin
Cambridge Journal of Education 47 (1), 67-84, 2017
Evaluation of the Graduate Leader Fund
S Mathers, H Ranns, A Karemaker, A Moody, K Sylva, J Graham, ...
Report to the UK Department of Education 28, 2011
The digital reading habits of children
N Kucirkova, K Littleton …, 2016
How could children’s storybooks promote empathy? A conceptual framework based on developmental psychology and literary theory
N Kucirkova
Frontiers in psychology 10, 121, 2019
A Vygotskian perspective on parent–child talk during iPad story sharing
N Kucirkova, K Sheehy, D Messer
Journal of Research in Reading 38 (4), 428-441, 2015
Improving quality in the early years: a comparison of perspectives and measures
S Mathers, R Singler, A Karemaker
University of Oxford, 2012
Storytelling in early childhood
T Cremin, R Flewitt, B Mardell, J Swann
Routledge, 2017
Children’s reading with digital books: past moving quickly to the future
N Kucirkova
Child Development Perspectives 13 (4), 208-214, 2019
Children's Spatialities: Embodiment, Emotion and Agency
A Hackett, J Seymour, L Procter
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
Child–father creative text-making at home with crayons, iPad collage & PC
N Kucirkova, M Sakr
Thinking Skills and Creativity 17, 59-73, 2015
Percolating spaces: Creative ways of using digital technologies to connect young children's school and home lives
J Gillen, N Kucirkova
British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (5), 834-846, 2018
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Articles 1–20