DE PAOLI Angel Luis
DE PAOLI Angel Luis
Profesor de Fisica
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Microscopic theory of photon production in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions
TS Biro, K Niita, AL De Paoli, W Bauer, W Cassing, U Mosel
Nuclear Physics A 475 (3), 579-597, 1987
Gamow states as continuous linear functionals over analytical test functions
CG Bollini, O Civitarese, AL De Paoli, MC Rocca
Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (9), 4235-4242, 1996
ETA production in heavy ion collisions
A De Paoli, K Niita, W Cassing, U Mosel, CM Ko
Physics Letters B 219 (2-3), 194-198, 1989
Physical representations of Gamow states in a rigged Hilbert space
CG Bollini, O Civitarese, AL De Paoli, MC Rocca
Physics Letters B 382 (3), 205-208, 1996
The nuclear level-density parameter and temperature-dependent effects in finite nuclei
O Civitarese, AL De Paoli
Nuclear Physics A 440 (3), 480-492, 1985
Hard protons from heavy-ion collisions
K Niita, AL De Paoli, W Bauer, TS Biro, W Cassing, U Mosel
Nuclear Physics A 482 (1-2), 525-545, 1988
In-medium covariant propagator of baryons under a strong magnetic field: Effect of the intrinsic magnetic moments
RM Aguirre, AL De Paoli
The European Physical Journal A 52, 1-7, 2016
Landau parameters for isospin asymmetric nuclear matter based on a relativistic model of composite and finite extension nucleons
RM Aguirre, ALD Paoli
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 75 (4), 045207, 2007
Particle production within a selfconsistent transport approach to heavy-ion collisions
K Niita, TS Biro, W Cassing, AL De Paoli, U Mosel, M Schäfer
Nuclear Physics A 495 (1-2), 91-102, 1989
On the Strutinsky shell correction method at finite temperature
O Civitarese, AL De Paoli, A Plastino
Zeitschrift für Physik A Atoms and Nuclei 309 (2), 177-181, 1982
General solution of a fractional diffusion–advection equation for solar cosmic-ray transport
MC Rocca, AR Plastino, A Plastino, GL Ferri, A de Paoli
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 447, 402-410, 2016
Temperature dependent shell corrections: Numerical estimates for the lead region
O Civitarese, AL De Paoli, A Plastino
Zeitschrift für Physik A Atoms and Nuclei 311 (4), 317-321, 1983
The Zimanyi and Moszkowski model in thermo field dynamics
R Aguirre, O Civitarese, AL De Paoli
Nuclear Physics A 597 (4), 543-562, 1996
Neutron star structure in a quark model with excluded volume correction
RM Aguirre, AL De Paoli
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 68 (5), 055804, 2003
Propagation of mesons in asymmetric nuclear matter in a density-dependent coupling model
R Aguirre, AL De Paoli
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 13, 501-515, 2002
Study of gamow states in the rigged hilbert space with tempered ultradistributions
AL De Paoli, MA Estevez, MC Rocca, H Vucetich
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 4 (04 …, 2001
Resonant states in the thermo field dynamics
O Civitarese, AL De Paoli, MC Rocca
Nuclear Physics A 642 (3-4), 531-542, 1998
Cluster in condensed matter method study of hydrogen in nickel
J Keller, M Castro, AL de Paoli
Journal of Applied Physics 53 (12), 8850-8855, 1982
Infinite Dimensional Analysis
AL De Paoli, M Estevez, H Vucetich, MC Rocca
Quantum Probability and Related Topics 4, 2001
The linear σ-ω model in the thermo field dynamics
R Aguirre, O Civitarese, AL De Paoli
Nuclear Physics A 579 (3-4), 573-595, 1994
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Articles 1–20