Siming Li
Siming Li
EBay; Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University
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Babytalk: Understanding and generating simple image descriptions
G Kulkarni, V Premraj, V Ordonez, S Dhar, S Li, Y Choi, AC Berg, TL Berg
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (12), 2891 …, 2013
Composing simple image descriptions using web-scale n-grams
S Li, G Kulkarni, T Berg, A Berg, Y Choi
Proceedings of the fifteenth conference on computational natural language …, 2011
Optimizing Bulk Transfers with Software-Defined Optical WAN
X Jin, Y Li, D Wei, S Li, J Gao, L Xu, G Li, W Xu, J Rexford
ACM SIGCOMM 2016, 2016
Conformal Map for Greedy Routing in Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks
S Li, W Zeng, D Zhou, X Gu, J Gao
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (7), 1632 - 1646, 2015
Compact conformal map for greedy routing in wireless mobile sensor networks
S Li, W Zeng, D Zhou, X Gu, J Gao
INFOCOM, 2013 Proceedings IEEE, 1409-1417, 2013
Multi-focal Learning for Customer Problem Analysis
Y Ge, H Xiong, W Zhou, S Li, R Sahoo
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 2 (3), 24, 2011
Space Filling Curves for 3D Sensor Networks with Complex Topology
M Goswami, S Li, J Zhang, E Saucan, X Gu, J Gao
Proceedings of the 27th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 23-30, 2015
Space filling curves for 3d sensor networks with complex topology
M Goswami, S Li, J Zhang, E Saucan, X Gu, G Jie
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.02931, 2015
Adaptive quality recommendation mechanism for software service provisioning
S Li, C Ding, CH Chi, J Deng
IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 2008. ICWS'08., 169-176, 2008
Automatic recommendation of quality requirements for software services
S Li, CH Chi, C Ding, S Chen, Y Huang
IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, 2007. ICEBE 2007 …, 2007
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