Damien Hudry
Damien Hudry
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Photon upconversion for photovoltaics and photocatalysis: a critical review: focus review
BS Richards, D Hudry, D Busko, A Turshatov, IA Howard
Chemical Reviews 121 (15), 9165-9195, 2021
Structure–property relationships in lanthanide‐doped upconverting nanocrystals: recent advances in understanding core–shell structures
D Hudry, IA Howard, R Popescu, D Gerthsen, BS Richards
Advanced Materials 31 (26), 1900623, 2019
Up‐conversion fluorescent labels for plastic recycling: a review
G Gao, A Turshatov, IA Howard, D Busko, R Joseph, D Hudry, ...
Advanced Sustainable Systems 1 (5), 1600033, 2017
Direct evidence of significant cation intermixing in upconverting core@ shell nanocrystals: Toward a new crystallochemical model
D Hudry, D Busko, R Popescu, D Gerthsen, AMM Abeykoon, C Kübel, ...
Chemistry of Materials 29 (21), 9238-9246, 2017
Controlled synthesis of thorium and uranium oxide nanocrystals
D Hudry, C Apostolidis, O Walter, T Gouder, E Courtois, C Kübel, D Meyer
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (17), 5297-5305, 2013
Non‐aqueous Synthesis of Isotropic and Anisotropic Actinide Oxide Nanocrystals
D Hudry, C Apostolidis, O Walter, T Gouder, E Courtois, C Kübel, D Meyer
Chemistry–A European Journal 27 (18), 8283-8287, 2012
Ultra‐small plutonium oxide nanocrystals: An innovative material in plutonium science
D Hudry, C Apostolidis, O Walter, A Janßen, D Manara, JC Griveau, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 20 (33), 10431-10438, 2014
Thorium/uranium mixed oxide nanocrystals: Synthesis, structural characterization and magnetic properties
D Hudry, JC Griveau, C Apostolidis, O Walter, E Colineau, G Rasmussen, ...
Nano Research 7, 119-131, 2014
Scalable Processing of Low-Temperature TiO2 Nanoparticles for High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells
IM Hossain, D Hudry, F Mathies, T Abzieher, S Moghadamzadeh, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2 (1), 47-58, 2018
Critical power density: a metric to compare the excitation power density dependence of photon upconversion in different inorganic host materials
RE Joseph, C Jiménez, D Hudry, G Gao, D Busko, D Biner, A Turshatov, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 123 (31), 6799-6811, 2019
Probing the crystal structure and formation mechanism of lanthanide-doped upconverting nanocrystals
D Hudry, AMM Abeykoon, E Dooryhee, D Nykypanchuk, JH Dickerson
Chemistry of Materials 28 (23), 8752-8763, 2016
A method for correcting the excitation power density dependence of upconversion emission due to laser-induced heating
RE Joseph, D Busko, D Hudry, G Gao, D Biner, K Krämer, A Turshatov, ...
Optical materials 82, 65-70, 2018
Interface disorder in large single-and multi-shell upconverting nanocrystals
D Hudry, R Popescu, D Busko, M Diaz-Lopez, M Abeykoon, P Bordet, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (5), 1164-1172, 2019
Synthesis of transuranium-based nanocrystals via the thermal decomposition of actinyl nitrates
D Hudry, C Apostolidis, O Walter, T Gouder, A Janssen, E Courtois, ...
Rsc Advances 3 (40), 18271-18274, 2013
Interface Pattern Engineering in Core‐Shell Upconverting Nanocrystals: Shedding Light on Critical Parameters and Consequences for the Photoluminescence Properties
D Hudry, A De Backer, R Popescu, D Busko, IA Howard, S Bals, Y Zhang, ...
Small 17 (47), 2104441, 2021
An enhanced energy migration strategy in upconverting nanocrystals: color-tuning with high quantum yield
D Hudry, D Busko, R Popescu, D Gerthsen, IA Howard, BS Richards
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (24), 7371-7377, 2019
MM; Kübel, C.; Bergfeldt, T.; Richards, BS Direct Evidence of Significant Cation Intermixing in Upconverting Core@ Shell Nanocrystals: Toward a New Crystallochemical Model
D Hudry, D Busko, R Popescu, D Gerthsen, A Abeykoon
Chem. Mater 29 (21), 9238-9246, 2017
Bright constant color upconversion based on dual 980 and 1550 nm excitation of SrF2: Yb3+, Er3+ and β-NaYF4: Yb3+, Er3+ micropowders―considerations for persistence of vision …
RE Joseph, D Hudry, D Busko, D Biner, A Turshatov, K Krämer, ...
Optical Materials 111, 110598, 2021
High-temperature and melting behaviour of nanocrystalline refractory compounds: an experimental approach applied to thorium dioxide
F Cappia, D Hudry, E Courtois, A Janßen, L Luzzi, RJM Konings, ...
Materials Research Express 1 (2), 025034, 2014
Preventing cation intermixing enables 50% quantum yield in sub-15 nm short-wave infrared-emitting rare-earth based core-shell nanocrystals
F Arteaga Cardona, N Jain, R Popescu, D Busko, E Madirov, BA Arús, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 4462, 2023
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