Abdelaziz Soufyane
Abdelaziz Soufyane
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Uniform stabilization for the Timoshenko beam by a locally distributed damping.
A Soufyane, A Whebe
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE)[electronic only] 2003 …, 2003
Stabilisation de la poutre de Timoshenko
A Soufyane
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series I-Mathematics 328 (8), 731-734, 1999
Energy decay for porous-thermo-elasticity systems of memory type
A Soufyane
Applicable Analysis 87 (4), 451-464, 2008
Stabilization of the nonuniform Timoshenko beam
F Ammar-Khodja, S Kerbal, A Soufyane
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 327 (1), 525-538, 2007
Stabilization of a linear Timoshenko system with infinite history and applications to the Timoshenko-heat systems
A Guesmia, SA Messaoudi, A Soufyane
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2012
General decay of solutions of a linear one-dimensional porous-thermoelasticity system with a boundary control of memory type
A Soufyane, M Afilal, T Aouam, M Chacha
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 72 (11), 3903-3910, 2010
Simulations of surface acoustic wave devices built on stratified media using a mixed finite element/boundary integral formulation
S Ballandras, A Reinhardt, V Laude, A Soufyane, S Camou, W Daniau, ...
Journal of applied physics 96 (12), 7731-7741, 2004
Finite-element analysis of periodic piezoelectric transducers
S Ballandras, M Wilm, PF Edoa, A Soufyane, V Laude, W Steichen, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 93 (1), 702-711, 2003
General decay of solutions of a wave equation with a boundary control of memory type
SA Messaoudi, A Soufyane
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (4), 2896-2904, 2010
Asymptotic behavior to Bresse system with past history
M Santos, A Soufyane, D Almeida Júnior
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 73 (1), 23-54, 2015
The effect of the wave speeds and the frictional damping terms on the decay rate of the Bresse system
A Soufyane, B Said-Houari
Evol. Equ. Control Theory 3 (4), 713-738, 2014
Boundary stabilization of solutions of a nonlinear system of Timoshenko type
SA Messaoudi, A Soufyane
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 67 (7), 2107-2121, 2007
Stability result of the Timoshenko system with delay and boundary feedback
B Said-Houari, A Soufyane
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 29 (3), 383-398, 2012
Exponential stability of the linearized nonuniform Timoshenko beam
A Soufyane
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 10 (2), 1016-1020, 2009
Solution of linear and nonlinear parabolic equations by the decomposition method
A Soufyane, M Boulmalf
Applied Mathematics and Computation 162 (2), 687-693, 2005
Memory-type boundary control of a laminated Timoshenko beam
B Feng, A Soufyane
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 25 (8), 1568-1588, 2020
On the exponential and polynomial stability for a linear Bresse system
M Afilal, A Guesmia, A Soufyane, M Zahri
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 43 (5), 2626-2645, 2020
Boundary Stabilization of Memory Type for the Porous-Thermo-Elasticity System
A Soufyane, mounir afilal, mama chacha
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2009 ((2009)), 17, 2009
Measured Throughput and SNR of IEEE 802.11 g in a Small Enterprise Environment
M Boulmalf, H El-Sayed, A Soufyane
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 2, 1333-1337, 2005
Energy decay for a weakly nonlinear damped piezoelectric beams with magnetic effects and a nonlinear delay term
A Soufyane, M Afilal, ML Santos
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 72, 1-12, 2021
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