Tax me if you can: Ethnic geography, democracy, and the taxation of agriculture in Africa K Kasara American political science review 101 (1), 159-172, 2007 | 505 | 2007 |
Ethnic minority rule and civil war onset JD Fearon, K Kasara, DD Laitin American Political science review 101 (1), 187-193, 2007 | 360 | 2007 |
When do the rich vote less than the poor and why? Explaining turnout inequality across the world K Kasara, P Suryanarayan American Journal of Political Science 59 (3), 613-627, 2015 | 257 | 2015 |
Separate and suspicious: Local social and political context and ethnic tolerance in Kenya K Kasara the Journal of Politics 75 (4), 921-936, 2013 | 182 | 2013 |
Does Local Ethnic Segregation Lead to Violence?: Evidence from Kenya K Kasara Quarterly Journal of Political Science 11 (4), 441-470, 2017 | 68* | 2017 |
Electoral geography and conflict: Examining the redistricting through violence in Kenya K Kasara Work. pap., Dept of Political Science, Columbia Univ, 2014 | 60 | 2014 |
Ethnic beachheads and vote buying: Explaining the creation of new administrative districts in Kenya, 1963-2001 K Kasara Unpublished paper, 2006 | 24* | 2006 |
Bureaucratic capacity and class voting: Evidence from across the world and the United States K Kasara, P Suryanarayan The Journal of Politics 82 (3), 1097-1112, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Unfinished business: The democratization of electoral practices in Britain and Germany K Kasara, I Mares Comparative Political Studies 50 (5), 636-664, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
A Prize too Large to Share: Opposition Coalitions and the Kenyan Presidency K Kasara mimeo, Columbia University, 2007 | 6 | 2007 |
Colonial Legacies and Ethnic Mobilization in Rwanda and Burundi in the 1950s K Kasara | 2 | 2013 |
No Justice, No Peace, No Education: An Exploration of the Nigerian Student Leader Contribution to the April 1978 Crisis O Longe, K Kasara | | 2022 |