Weighted statistical convergence and its application to Korovkin type approximation theorem M Mursaleen, V Karakaya, M Ertürk, F Gürsoy
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (18), 9132-9137, 2012
222 2012 A Picard-S hybrid type iteration method for solving a differential equation with retarded argument F Gürsoy, V Karakaya
arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.2546, 2014
173 2014 Data dependence results of new multi-step and S-iterative schemes for contractive-like operators F Gürsoy, V Karakaya, BE Rhoades
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2013, 1-12, 2013
69 2013 Fixed Point of a New Three‐Step Iteration Algorithm under Contractive‐Like Operators over Normed Spaces V Karakaya, K Doğan, F Gürsoy, M Ertürk
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2013 (1), 560258, 2013
63 2013 A Picard-S iterative method for approximating fixed point of weak-contraction mappings F Gürsoy
Filomat 30 (10), 2829-2845, 2016
55 2016 Statistical Convergence of Sequences of Functions in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Normed Spaces V Karakaya, N Şimşek, M Ertürk, F Gürsoy
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2012, 1-19, 2012
38 * 2012 Iterative approximation of fixed points and applications to two-point second-order boundary value problems and to machine learning E Hacıoğlu, F Gürsoy, S Maldar, Y Atalan, GV Milovanović
Applied Numerical Mathematics 167, 143-172, 2021
30 2021 Some Convergence and Stability Results for the Kirk Multistep and Kirk‐SP Fixed Point Iterative Algorithms F Gürsoy, V Karakaya, BE Rhoades
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014 (1), 806537, 2014
28 * 2014 Some convergence and data dependence results for various fixed point iterative methods V Karakaya, F Gürsoy, M Ertürk
Kuwait Journal of Science 43 (1), 2016
26 * 2016 Stability and data dependence results for the Jungck--Khan iterative scheme AR Khan, F Gürsoy, V Kumar
Turkish Journal of Mathematics 40 (3), 631-640, 2016
26 2016 Jungck-Khan iterative scheme and higher convergence rate AR Khan, F Gürsoy, V Karakaya
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 93 (12), 2092-2105, 2016
25 2016 Applications of Normal S‐Iterative Method to a Nonlinear Integral Equation F Gürsoy
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 943127, 2014
20 2014 On a three-step iteration process for multivalued Reich-Suzuki type α -nonexpansive and contractive mappings S Maldar, F Gürsoy, Y Atalan, M Abbas
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 1-21, 2021
19 2021 An iterative method and its application to stable inversion F Gürsoy, JJA Eksteen, AR Khan, V Karakaya
Soft Computing 23, 7393-7406, 2019
15 2019 A Picard-type iterative algorithm for general variational inequalities and nonexpansive mappings F Gürsoy, M Ertürk, M Abbas
Numerical Algorithms, 1-17, 2019
15 2019 Lacunary statistical convergence of sequences of functions in intuitionistic fuzzy normed space V Karakaya, N Simsek, F Gürsoy, M Ertürk
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 26 (3), 1289-1299, 2014
14 2014 Weak -stability and data dependence of Mann iteration method in Hilbert spaces F Gürsoy, AR Khan, M Ertürk, V Karakaya
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie …, 2019
13 2019 Convergence and Data Dependency of Normal−S Iterative Method for Discontinuous Operators on Banach Space F Gürsoy, AR Khan, M Ertürk, V Karakaya
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 39 (3), 322-345, 2018
13 2018 Convergence and data dependence results for quasi-contractive type operators in hyperbolic spaces F Gürsoy
Hacettepe Ünv, Fac Sci, 2017
12 2017 S-iteration process for variational inclusions and its rate of convergence F Gursoy, DR Sahu, Q Ansari
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 17 (9), 1753-1767, 2016
12 * 2016