Maria Vittoria Garzelli
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
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Cited by
Review of particle physics
K Nakamura
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 37 (7 A), 2010
arXiv: Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector
D de Florian, D Fontes, J Quevillon, M Schumacher, FJ Llanes-Estrada, ...
Cern, 2016
Handbook of LHC Higgs cross sections: 3. Higgs properties
S Heinemeyer, C Mariotti, G Passarino, R Tanaka, JR Andersen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.1347, 2013
FCC-ee: The lepton collider: Future circular collider conceptual design report volume 2
AEA Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228, 261-623, 2019
Handbook of LHC Higgs cross sections: 2. Differential distributions
S Dittmaier, C Mariotti, G Passarino, R Tanaka, S Alekhin, J Alwall, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.3084, 2012
t W± + t Z hadroproduction at NLO accuracy in QCD with Parton Shower and Hadronization effects
MV Garzelli, A Kardos, CG Papadopoulos, Z Trócsányi
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (11), 1-21, 2012
Automation of one-loop QCD computations
V Hirschi, R Frederix, S Frixione, M Vittoria Garzelli, F Maltoni, R Pittau
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (5), 1-65, 2011
FCC physics opportunities
A Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, JA Fernandez, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79 (6), 1-161, 2019
Les Houches 2023: Physics at TeV Colliders: Standard Model Working Group Report
J Andersen, B Assi, K Asteriadis, P Azzurri, G Barone, A Behring, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.00708, 2024
G Bevilacqua, M Czakon, MV Garzelli, A van Hameren, A Kardos, ...
Computer Physics Communications 184 (3), 986-997, 2013
The physics models of FLUKA: status and recent development
A Fasso, A Ferrari, S Roesler, PR Sala, F Ballarini, A Ottolenghi, ...
arXiv preprint hep-ph/0306267, 2003
Standard Model Higgs boson production in association with a top anti-top pair at NLO with parton showering
MV Garzelli, A Kardos, CG Papadopoulos, Z Trócsányi
Europhysics Letters 96 (1), 11001, 2011
The forward physics facility at the high-luminosity LHC
JL Feng, F Kling, MH Reno, J Rojo, D Soldin, LA Anchordoqui, J Boyd, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50 (3), 030501, 2023
Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: Standard Model processes
ML Mangano, G Zanderighi, JA Saavedra, S Alekhin, S Badger, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.01831, 2016
A critical appraisal and evaluation of modern PDFs
A Accardi, S Alekhin, J Blümlein, MV Garzelli, K Lipka, W Melnitchouk, ...
The European Physical Journal C 76, 1-46, 2016
The forward physics facility: sites, experiments, and physics potential
LA Anchordoqui, A Ariga, T Ariga, W Bai, K Balazs, B Batell, J Boyd, ...
Physics reports 968, 1-50, 2022
Feynman Rules for the Rational Part of the QCD 1-loop amplitudes
P Draggiotis, MV Garzelli, CG Papadopoulos, R Pittau
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (04), 072, 2009
-boson production in association with a pair at next-to-leading order accuracy <?format ?>with parton shower effects
MV Garzelli, A Kardos, CG Papadopoulos, Z Trocsanyi
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (7), 074022, 2012
The FLUKA code for space applications: recent developments
V Andersen, F Ballarini, G Battistoni, M Campanella, M Carboni, F Cerutti, ...
Advances in Space Research 34 (6), 1302-1310, 2004
Update of the Binoth Les Houches Accord for a standard interface between Monte Carlo tools and one-loop programs
S Alioli, S Badger, J Bellm, B Biedermann, F Boudjema, G Cullen, ...
Computer Physics Communications 185 (2), 560-571, 2014
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Articles 1–20