HIJING: A Monte Carlo model for multiple jet production in pp, pA, and AA collisions XN Wang, M Gyulassy Physical Review D 44 (11), 3501, 1991 | 3452 | 1991 |
HIJING 1.0: a Monte Carlo program for parton and particle production in high energy hadronic and nuclear collisions M Gyulassy, XN Wang Computer Physics Communications 83 (2-3), 307-331, 1994 | 1736 | 1994 |
New forms of QCD matter discovered at RHIC M Gyulassy, L McLerran Nuclear Physics A 750 (1), 30-63, 2005 | 1629 | 2005 |
Gluon shadowing and jet quenching in A+A collisions at √s =200A GeV XN Wang, M Gyulassy Physical Review Letters 68 (10), 1480, 1992 | 1373 | 1992 |
Jet quenching in dense matter M Gyulassy, M Plumer | 1325 | 1990 |
Multiple collisions and induced gluon Bremsstrahlung in QCD M Gyulassy, X Wang Nuclear Physics B 420 (3), 583-614, 1994 | 1134 | 1994 |
Reaction operator approach to non-Abelian energy loss M Gyulassy, P Lévai, I Vitev Nuclear Physics B 594 (1-2), 371-419, 2001 | 1087 | 2001 |
Pion interferometry of nuclear collisions. I. Theory M Gyulassy, SK Kauffmann, LW Wilson Physical Review C 20 (6), 2267, 1979 | 892 | 1979 |
Non-Abelian energy loss at finite opacity M Gyulassy, P Levai, I Vitev Physical Review Letters 85 (26), 5535, 2000 | 800 | 2000 |
Elastic, inelastic, and path length fluctuations in jet tomography S Wicks, W Horowitz, M Djordjevic, M Gyulassy Nuclear Physics A 784 (1-4), 426-442, 2007 | 662 | 2007 |
Dissipative phenomena in quark-gluon plasmas P Danielewicz, M Gyulassy Physical Review D 31 (1), 53, 1985 | 638 | 1985 |
High p T azimuthal asymmetry in noncentral A+ A at RHIC M Gyulassy, I Vitev, XN Wang Physical Review Letters 86 (12), 2537, 2001 | 622 | 2001 |
Extracting the jet transport coefficient from jet quenching in high-energy heavy-ion collisions KM Burke, A Buzzatti, N Chang, C Gale, M Gyulassy, U Heinz, S Jeon, ... Physical Review C 90 (1), 014909, 2014 | 597 | 2014 |
High- Tomography of and at SPS, RHIC, and LHC I Vitev, M Gyulassy Physical Review Letters 89 (25), 252301, 2002 | 583 | 2002 |
Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in QCD and radiative energy loss in a quark-gluon plasma XN Wang, M Gyulassy, M Plümer Physical Review D 51 (7), 3436, 1995 | 539 | 1995 |
Signatures of quark-gluon plasma formation in high energy heavy-ion collisions: a critical review SA Bass, M Gyulassy, H StÃķcker, W Greiner Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 25 (3), R1, 1999 | 530 | 1999 |
Quark damping and energy loss in the high temperature QCD MH Thoma, M Gyulassy Nuclear Physics B 351 (3), 491-506, 1991 | 513 | 1991 |
Heavy quark radiative energy loss in QCD matter M Djordjevic, M Gyulassy Nuclear Physics A 733 (3-4), 265-298, 2004 | 495 | 2004 |
Jet quenching in thin quark–gluon plasmas I: formalism M Gyulassy, P Levai, I Vitev Nuclear Physics B 571 (1-2), 197-233, 2000 | 471 | 2000 |
Heavy-ion collisions at the LHC—last call for predictions N Armesto, N Borghini, S Jeon, UA Wiedemann, S Abreu, SV Akkelin, ... Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 35 (5), 054001, 2008 | 465 | 2008 |