Michelle E Afkhami
Michelle E Afkhami
Associate Professor, University of Miami
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Environmental stress destabilizes microbial networks
DJ Hernandez, AS David, ES Menges, CA Searcy, ME Afkhami
The ISME journal 15 (6), 1722-1734, 2021
Fungal functional ecology: bringing a trait‐based approach to plant‐associated fungi
AE Zanne, K Abarenkov, ME Afkhami, CA Aguilar‐Trigueros, S Bates, ...
Biological Reviews 95 (2), 409-433, 2020
Mutualist‐mediated effects on species' range limits across large geographic scales
ME Afkhami, PJ McIntyre, SY Strauss
Ecology letters 17 (10), 1265-1273, 2014
Niche breadth: causes and consequences for ecology, evolution, and conservation
KA Carscadden, NC Emery, CA Arnillas, MW Cadotte, ME Afkhami, ...
The Quarterly Review of Biology 95 (3), 179-214, 2020
Cheaters must prosper: reconciling theoretical and empirical perspectives on cheating in mutualism
EI Jones, ME Afkhami, E Akçay, JL Bronstein, R Bshary, ME Frederickson, ...
Ecology letters 18 (11), 1270-1284, 2015
Symbiosis lost: imperfect vertical transmission of fungal endophytes in grasses
ME Afkhami, JA Rudgers
The American Naturalist 172 (3), 405-416, 2008
A fungus among us: broad patterns of endophyte distribution in the grasses
JA Rudgers, ME Afkhami, MA Rúa, AJ Davitt, S Hammer, VM Huguet
Ecology 90 (6), 1531-1539, 2009
Multiple mutualist effects: conflict and synergy in multispecies mutualisms
ME Afkhami, JA Rudgers, JJ Stachowicz
Ecology 95 (4), 833-844, 2014
Climate disruption of plant-microbe interactions
JA Rudgers, ME Afkhami, L Bell-Dereske, YA Chung, KM Crawford, ...
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 51 (1), 561-586, 2020
Using niche breadth theory to explain generalization in mutualisms
RT Batstone, KA Carscadden, ME Afkhami, ME Frederickson
Ecology 99 (5), 1039-1050, 2018
Multiple mutualist effects on genomewide expression in the tripartite association between Medicago truncatula, nitrogen‐fixing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi
ME Afkhami, JR Stinchcombe
Molecular Ecology 25 (19), 4946-4962, 2016
Interspecific hybridization and bioactive alkaloid variation increases diversity in endophytic Epichloë species of Bromus laevipes
ND Charlton, KD Craven, ME Afkhami, BA Hall, SR Ghimire, CA Young
FEMS microbiology ecology 90 (1), 276-289, 2014
Tripartite mutualisms as models for understanding plant–microbial interactions
ME Afkhami, BK Almeida, DJ Hernandez, KN Kiesewetter, DP Revillini
Current opinion in plant biology 56, 28-36, 2020
Do plant–microbe interactions support the Stress Gradient Hypothesis?
AS David, KB Thapa‐Magar, ES Menges, CA Searcy, ME Afkhami
Ecology 101 (8), e03081, 2020
Symbioses with nitrogen-fixing bacteria: nodulation and phylogenetic data across legume genera
ME Afkhami, DL Mahler, JH Burns, MG Weber, MF Wojciechowski, ...
Ecology 99 (2), 502, 2018
Microbial mitigation–exacerbation continuum: a novel framework for microbiome effects on hosts in the face of stress
AS David, KB Thapa‐Magar, ME Afkhami
Ecology 99 (3), 517-523, 2018
Endophyte-Mediated Resistance to Herbivores Depends on Herbivore Identity in the Wild Grass Festuca subverticillata
ME Afkhami, JA Rudgers
Environmental entomology 38 (4), 1086-1095, 2009
Soil microbiomes underlie population persistence of an endangered plant species
AS David, PF Quintana-Ascencio, ES Menges, KB Thapa-Magar, ...
Native fungal endophytes suppress an exotic dominant and increase plant diversity over small and large spatial scales
ME Afkhami, SY Strauss
Ecology 97 (5), 1159-1169, 2016
Cooperation and coexpression: how coexpression networks shift in response to multiple mutualists
SX Palakurty, JR Stinchcombe, ME Afkhami
Molecular ecology 27 (8), 1860-1873, 2018
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Articles 1–20