Cyril Langlois
Cyril Langlois
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Second primary malignancies in thyroid cancer patients
C Rubino, F De Vathaire, ME Dottorini, P Hall, C Schvartz, JE Couette, ...
British journal of cancer 89 (9), 1638-1644, 2003
Size and shape effects on the order–disorder phase transition in CoPt nanoparticles
D Alloyeau, C Ricolleau, C Mottet, T Oikawa, C Langlois, Y Le Bouar, ...
Nature materials 8 (12), 940-946, 2009
Near-perfect elastoplasticity in pure nanocrystalline copper
Y Champion, C Langlois, S Guérin-Mailly, P Langlois, JL Bonnentien, ...
Science 300 (5617), 310-311, 2003
Transition from core–shell to Janus chemical configuration for bimetallic nanoparticles
C Langlois, ZL Li, J Yuan, D Alloyeau, J Nelayah, D Bochicchio, ...
Nanoscale 4 (11), 3381-3388, 2012
Ostwald Ripening in Nanoalloys: When Thermodynamics Drives<? format?> a Size-Dependent Particle Composition
D Alloyeau, G Prévot, Y Le Bouar, T Oikawa, C Langlois, A Loiseau, ...
Physical review letters 105 (25), 255901, 2010
Growth and structural properties of CuAg and CoPt bimetallic nanoparticles
C Langlois, D Alloyeau, Y Le Bouar, A Loiseau, T Oikawa, C Mottet, ...
Faraday discussions 138, 375-391, 2008
Cu-Ag core-shell nanoparticles: A direct correlation between micro-Raman and electron microscopy
M Cazayous, C Langlois, T Oikawa, C Ricolleau, A Sacuto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (11), 113402, 2006
Innovative Zr-Cu-Ag thin film metallic glass deposed by magnetron PVD sputtering for antibacterial applications
A Etiemble, C Der Loughian, M Apreutesei, C Langlois, S Cardinal, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 707, 155-161, 2017
Fully crystalline faceted Fe–Au core–shell nanoparticles
C Langlois, P Benzo, R Arenal, M Benoit, J Nicolaï, N Combe, A Ponchet, ...
Nano letters 15 (8), 5075-5080, 2015
A TEM in situ experiment as a guideline for the synthesis of as-grown ordered CoPt nanoparticles
D Alloyeau, C Langlois, C Ricolleau, Y Le Bouar, A Loiseau
Nanotechnology 18 (37), 375301, 2007
STEM nanodiffraction technique for structural analysis of CoPt nanoparticles
D Alloyeau, C Ricolleau, T Oikawa, C Langlois, Y Le Bouar, A Loiseau
Ultramicroscopy 108 (7), 656-662, 2008
Substrate effect on the plasmon resonance of supported flat silver nanoparticles
M Valamanesh, Y Borensztein, C Langlois, E Lacaze
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (7), 2914-2922, 2011
Silver influence on the antibacterial activity of multi-functional Zr-Cu based thin film metallic glasses
GIN Bouala, A Etiemble, C Der Loughian, C Langlois, JF Pierson, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 343, 108-114, 2018
Experimental measurement of dislocation density in metallic materials: A quantitative comparison between measurements techniques (XRD, R-ECCI, HR-EBSD, TEM)
J Gallet, M Perez, R Guillou, C Ernould, C Le Bourlot, C Langlois, ...
Materials Characterization 199, 112842, 2023
Fast electron tomography: Applications to beam sensitive samples and in situ TEM or operando environmental TEM studies
S Koneti, L Roiban, F Dalmas, C Langlois, AS Gay, A Cabiac, T Grenier, ...
Materials Characterization 151, 480-495, 2019
Energy-filtered electron microscopy for imaging core–shell nanostructures
CT Langlois, T Oikawa, P Bayle-Guillemaud, C Ricolleau
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 10, 997-1007, 2008
Plasmon Spectroscopy and Chemical Structure of Small Bimetallic Cu(1–x)Agx Clusters
M Pellarin, I Issa, C Langlois, MA Lebeault, J Ramade, J Lermé, M Broyer, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (9), 5002-5012, 2015
Parametric amplification in GaAs/AlOx waveguide
E Guillotel, M Ravaro, F Ghiglieno, C Langlois, C Ricolleau, S Ducci, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (17), 2009
Local fracture toughness measurements in polycrystalline cubic zirconia using micro-cantilever bending tests
R Henry, T Blay, T Douillard, A Descamps-Mandine, I Zacharie-Aubrun, ...
Mechanics of Materials 136, 103086, 2019
Structural and electronic properties of the Au (001)/Fe (001) interface from density functional theory calculations
M Benoit, C Langlois, N Combe, H Tang, MJ Casanove
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (7), 075460, 2012
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