Lauren Falcao Bergquist
Lauren Falcao Bergquist
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Sell low and buy high: arbitrage and local price effects in Kenyan markets
M Burke, LF Bergquist, E Miguel
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 134 (2), 785-842, 2019
Competition and entry in agricultural markets: Experimental evidence from Kenya
LF Bergquist, M Dinerstein
American Economic Review 110 (12), 3705-3747, 2020
Selling low and buying high: An arbitrage puzzle in Kenyan villages
M Burke, LF Bergquist, E Miguel
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2014
Pass-through, competition, and entry in agricultural markets: Experimental evidence from Kenya
LF Bergquist
UC Berkeley Mimeograph, 2017
Scaling agricultural policy interventions: Theory and evidence from uganda
L Bergquist, B Faber, T Fally, M Hoelzlein, E Miguel, A Rodriguez-Clare
Unpublished manuscript, University of California at berkeley, 2019
Designing and evolving an electronic agricultural marketplace in Uganda
N Newman, LF Bergquist, N Immorlica, K Leyton-Brown, B Lucier, ...
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable …, 2018
Search costs, intermediation, and trade: Experimental evidence from ugandan agricultural markets
LF Bergquist, C McIntosh, M Startz
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024
Scaling agricultural policy interventions
LF Bergquist, B Faber, T Fally, M Hoelzlein, E Miguel, A Rodríguez-Clare
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Unlocking the benefits of credit through saving
SW Mukherjee, LF Bergquist, M Burke, E Miguel
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Barriers to private-sector arbitrage in Kenyan maize markets
M Burke, L Falco
ERG Project Research Note 1764. PEDL Research Notes. Centre for Economic …, 2015
Selling Low and Buying High: Arbitrage and Local Price Effects in Kenyan Markets
M Burke, LF Bergquist, E Miguel
Efficiency, Competition, and Welfare in African Agricultural Markets
LF Bergquist
University of California, Berkeley, 2017
Scaling up agricultural policy interventions: Evidence from Uganda
LF Bergquist, B Faber, T Fally, M Hoelzlein, E Miguel, A Rodríguez-Clare
Policy, 2023
Scaling Agricultural Policy Interventions
T Fally, L Bergquist, B Faber, M Hoelzlein, E Miguel, A RodrĂguez-Clare
CEPR Discussion Papers, 2022
Unlocking the Benefits of Credit Through Saving
S Warrier Mukherjee, LF Bergquist, M Burke, E Miguel
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LF Bergquist, B Faber, T Fally, M Hoelzlein, E Miguel, A Rodríguez-Clare
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LF Bergquist, B Faber, T Fally, M Hoelzlein, E Miguel, A Rodríguez-Clare
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