Diane Gyi
Diane Gyi
Professor of Applied Ergonomics and Design, Loughborough Design School, Loughborough University
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Contributing factors in construction accidents
RA Haslam, SA Hide, AGF Gibb, DE Gyi, T Pavitt, S Atkinson, AR Duff
Applied ergonomics 36 (4), 401-415, 2005
Interface pressure and the prediction of car seat discomfort
DE Gyi, JM Porter
Applied ergonomics 30 (2), 99-107, 1999
The prevalence of musculoskeletal troubles among car drivers
JM Porter, DE Gyi
Occupational medicine 52 (1), 4-12, 2002
Exploring the optimum posture for driver comfort
JM Porter, DE Gyi
International Journal of Vehicle Design 19 (3), 255-266, 1998
Musculoskeletal problems and driving in police officers
DE Gyi, JM Porter
Occupational medicine 48 (3), 153-160, 1998
Building healthy construction workers: Their views on health, wellbeing and better workplace design
S Eaves, DE Gyi, AGF Gibb
Applied ergonomics 54, 10-18, 2016
Interface pressure data and the prediction of driver discomfort in road trials
JM Porter, DE Gyi, HA Tait
Applied ergonomics 34 (3), 207-214, 2003
‘Beyond Jack and Jill’: designing for individuals using HADRIAN
JM Porter, K Case, R Marshall, D Gyi, RS neé Oliver
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 33 (3), 249-264, 2004
What causes accidents?
A Gibb, R Haslam, D Gyi, S Hide, R Duff
Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering 159 (6 …, 2006
Design and evaluation: End users, user datasets and personas
R Marshall, S Cook, V Mitchell, S Summerskill, V Haines, M Maguire, ...
Applied ergonomics 46, 311-317, 2015
The role of design in accident causality
A Gibb, R Haslam, S Hide, D Gyi
Designing for safety and health in construction, 11-21, 2004
Design and emotion: The experience of everyday things
DC McDonagh, P Hekkert, J Van Erp, D Gyi
Taylor and Francis, 2004
Seat pressure measurement technologies: considerations for their evaluation
DE Gyi, JM Porter, NKB Robertson
Applied Ergonomics 29 (2), 85-91, 1998
The quality of accident and health data in the construction industry: interviews with senior managers
DE Gyi, AGF Gibb, RA Haslam
Construction Management & Economics 17 (2), 197-204, 1999
An evaluation of personalised insoles developed using additive manufacturing
AS Salles, DE Gyi
Journal of Sports Sciences 31 (4), 442-450, 2013
Design evolution through customer interaction with functional prototypes
RI Campbell, DJ De Beer, LJ Barnard, GJ Booysen, M Truscott, R Cain, ...
Journal of Engineering Design 18 (6), 617-635, 2007
Causal factors in construction accidents
S Hide, S Atkinson, TC Pavitt, R Haslam, AGF Gibb, DE Gyi
© Health and Safety Executive, 2003
Representing older and disabled people in virtual user trials: data collection methods
DE Gyi, RE Sims, JM Porter, R Marshall, K Case
Applied Ergonomics 35 (5), 443-451, 2004
HADRIAN: a virtual approach to design for all
R Marshall, K Case, M Porter, S Summerskill, D Gyi, P Davis, R Sims
Journal of Engineering Design 21 (2-3), 253-273, 2010
Design and emotion
D McDonagh, P Hekkert, J Van Erp, D Gyi
crc Press, 2003
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Articles 1–20