Ingmar H Riedel-Kruse
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Cited by
A self-organized vortex array of hydrodynamically entrained sperm cells
IH Riedel, K Kruse, J Howard
Science 309 (5732), 300-303, 2005
How molecular motors shape the flagellar beat
IH Riedel‐Kruse, A Hilfinger, J Howard, F Jülicher
HFSP journal 1 (3), 192-208, 2007
High-precision tracking of sperm swimming fine structure provides strong test of resistive force theory
BM Friedrich, IH Riedel-Kruse, J Howard, F Jülicher
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (8), 1226-1234, 2010
Synchrony dynamics during initiation, failure, and rescue of the segmentation clock
IH Riedel-Kruse, C Muller, AC Oates
Science 317 (5846), 1911-1915, 2007
A synthetic bacterial cell-cell adhesion toolbox for programming multicellular morphologies and patterns
DS Glass, IH Riedel-Kruse
Cell 174 (3), 649-658. e16, 2018
Biofilm Lithography enables high-resolution cell patterning via optogenetic adhesin expression
X Jin, IH Riedel-Kruse
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (14), 3698-3703, 2018
Active phase and amplitude fluctuations of flagellar beating
R Ma, GS Klindt, IH Riedel-Kruse, F Jülicher, BM Friedrich
Physical review letters 113 (4), 048101, 2014
High-resolution three-dimensional extracellular recording of neuronal activity with microfabricated electrode arrays
J Du, IH Riedel-Kruse, JC Nawroth, ML Roukes, G Laurent, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (3), 1671-1678, 2009
LudusScope: accessible interactive smartphone microscopy for life-science education
H Kim, LC Gerber, D Chiu, SA Lee, NJ Cira, SY Xia, IH Riedel-Kruse
PloS one 11 (10), e0162602, 2016
Design, engineering and utility of biotic games
IH Riedel-Kruse, AM Chung, B Dura, AL Hamilton, BC Lee
Lab on a Chip 11 (1), 14-22, 2011
Nonlinear delay differential equations and their application to modeling biological network motifs
DS Glass, X Jin, IH Riedel-Kruse
Nature communications 12 (1), 1788, 2021
Polygonal motion and adaptable phototaxis via flagellar beat switching in the microswimmer Euglena gracilis
ACH Tsang, AT Lam, IH Riedel-Kruse
Nature Physics 14 (12), 1216-1222, 2018
Interactive and scalable biology cloud experimentation for scientific inquiry and education
Z Hossain, EW Bumbacher, AM Chung, H Kim, C Litton, AD Walter, ...
Nature biotechnology 34 (12), 1293-1298, 2016
Design guidelines and empirical case study for scaling authentic inquiry-based science learning via open online courses and interactive biology cloud labs
Z Hossain, E Bumbacher, A Brauneis, M Diaz, A Saltarelli, P Blikstein, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 28, 478-507, 2018
Liquid-handling Lego robots and experiments for STEM education and research
LC Gerber, A Calasanz-Kaiser, L Hyman, K Voitiuk, U Patil, ...
PLoS biology 15 (3), e2001413, 2017
A biotic game design project for integrated life science and engineering education
NJ Cira, AM Chung, AK Denisin, S Rensi, GN Sanchez, SR Quake, ...
PLoS biology 13 (3), e1002110, 2015
Shape mode analysis exposes movement patterns in biology: flagella and flatworms as case studies
S Werner, JC Rink, IH Riedel-Kruse, BM Friedrich
PloS one 9 (11), e113083, 2014
Interactive cloud experimentation for biology: An online education case study
Z Hossain, X Jin, EW Bumbacher, AM Chung, S Koo, JD Shapiro, ...
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Trap it! A playful human-biology interaction for a museum installation
SA Lee, E Bumbacher, AM Chung, N Cira, B Walker, JY Park, B Starr, ...
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
Device and programming abstractions for spatiotemporal control of active micro-particle swarms
AT Lam, KG Samuel-Gama, J Griffin, M Loeun, LC Gerber, Z Hossain, ...
Lab on a Chip 17 (8), 1442-1451, 2017
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Articles 1–20