Christopher Groening
Cited by
Cited by
Green marketing consumer-level theory review: A compendium of applied theories and further research directions
C Groening, J Sarkis, Q Zhu
Journal of Cleaner Production 1866, 2018
The long-term stock market valuation of customer satisfaction
L Aksoy, B Cooil, C Groening, TL Keiningham, A Yalçın
Journal of Marketing 72 (4), 105-122, 2008
Investor reaction to positive and negative corporate social events
C Groening, VK Kanuri
Journal of Business Research 66 (10), 1852-1860, 2013
How employer and employee satisfaction affect customer satisfaction: An application to franchise services
H Evanschitzky, C Groening, V Mittal, M Wunderlich
Journal of service research 14 (2), 136-148, 2011
How achieving the dual goal of customer satisfaction and efficiency in mergers affects a firm’s long-term financial performance
V Swaminathan, C Groening, V Mittal, F Thomaz
Journal of Service Research 17 (2), 182-194, 2014
Investor reactions to concurrent positive and negative stakeholder news
C Groening, VK Kanuri
Journal of Business Ethics 149, 833-856, 2018
When do investors value board gender diversity?
C Groening
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 19 (1 …, 2019
Allocation of resources to customer satisfaction and delight based on utilitarian and hedonic benefits
F Pallas, V Mittal, C Groening
Journal of Research in Marketing 2 (1), 106-112, 2014
Cross-validation of customer and employee signals and firm valuation
C Groening, V Mittal, Y “Anthea” Zhang
Journal of Marketing Research 53 (1), 61-76, 2016
The effect of COVID-19 on consumers’ channel shopping behaviors: A segmentation study
C Ngoh, C Groening
Journal of Retailing and consumer services 68, 103065, 2022
Web-based training and interrater reliability testing for scoring the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
J Rosen, BH Mulsant, P Marino, C Groening, RC Young, D Fox
Psychiatry research 161 (1), 126-130, 2008
The role of social acceptability and guilt in unethical consumer behavior: Following the crowd or their own moral compass?
P Mills, C Groening
Journal of Business Research 136, 377-388, 2021
The role of carbon emissions in consumer purchase decisions
C Groening, JJ Inman, WT Ross Jr
International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making 1 (4), 261-296, 2015
The impact of a firm's corporate social responsibility on firm–supplier relationships: The effect of secondary stakeholder CSR on inventory days
C Groening, C Ngoh, R Luchs
Corporate social responsibility and environmental management 29 (5), 1689-1705, 2022
A guide to pay-what-you-wish pricing from the consumer’s viewpoint
C Groening, P Mills
Business Horizons 60 (4), 441-445, 2017
Hedging customer risk
C Groening, P Yildirim, V Mittal, P Tadikamalla
Customer Needs and Solutions 1, 105-116, 2014
Wish list thinking: The quasi‐endowment effect's impact on online wish lists outcomes
C Groening, J Wiggins, I Raoofpanah
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20 (2), 412-425, 2021
Consumers’ role in the green supply chain
C Groening, Q Zhu
Handbook on the sustainable supply chain, 171-184, 2019
Carbon Footprints in the Sand: Marketing in the Age of Sustainability
C Groening, JJ Inman, WT Ross
Customer Needs and Solutions 1, 40-51, 2014
Does customer satisfaction lead to an increased firm value?
A Lerzan, B Cooil, C Groening, TL Keiningham, A Yalcin
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 1 (2), 8-15, 2009
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Articles 1–20