Monika Simjanoska Misheva
Monika Simjanoska Misheva
Other namesMonika Simjanoska
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia
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Cited by
Non-invasive blood pressure estimation from ECG using machine learning techniques
M Simjanoska, M Gjoreski, M Gams, A Madevska Bogdanova
Sensors 18 (4), 1160, 2018
Noninvasive glucose measurement using machine learning and neural network methods and correlation with heart rate variability
M Gusev, L Poposka, G Spasevski, M Kostoska, B Koteska, M Simjanoska, ...
Journal of Sensors 2020 (1), 9628281, 2020
Chronic Heart Failure Detection from Heart Sounds Using a Stack of Machine-Learning Classifiers
M Gjoreski, M Simjanoska, A Gradisek, A Peterlin, M Gams, G Poglajen
Intelligent Environments, IE 2017, Seoul, Korea, 2017
Multi-level information fusion for learning a blood pressure predictive model using sensor data
M Simjanoska, S Kochev, J Tanevski, AM Bogdanova, G Papa, T Eftimov
Information Fusion 58, 24-39, 2020
In-depth insights into Alzheimer’s disease by using explainable machine learning approach
B Bogdanovic, T Eftimov, M Simjanoska
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6508, 2022
CPU utilization in a multitenant cloud
G Velkoski, M Simjanoska, S Ristov, M Gusev
Eurocon 2013, 242-249, 2013
Mobile wireless monitoring system for prehospital emergency care
N Koceska, R Komadina, M Simjanoska, B Koteska, A Strahovnik, A Jošt, ...
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 46, 1301-1308, 2020
Optimal resource allocation to host web services in cloud
M Gusev, S Ristov, G Velkoski, M Simjanoska
2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Cloud Computing, 948-949, 2013
What clinics are expecting from data scientists? A review on data oriented studies through qualitative and quantitative approaches
L Xu, M Simjanoska, B Koteska, V Trajkovikj, AM Bogdanova, KD Starič, ...
IEEE Access 7, 641-654, 2018
Intelligent modelling for predicting students' final grades
M Simjanoska, M Gusev, AM Bogdanova
2014 37th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2014
L3B: Low level load balancer in the cloud
M Simjanoska, S Ristov, G Velkoski, M Gusev
Eurocon 2013, 250-257, 2013
Assistive e-Learning Software Modules to Aid Education Process of Students with Visual and Hearing Impairment: A Case Study in North Macedonia
K Mishev, AK Ristovska, O Rashikj-Canevska, M Simjanoska
International Conference on ICT Innovations, 145-159, 2021
MAKEDONKA: applied deep learning model for text-to-speech synthesis in Macedonian language
K Mishev, A Karovska Ristovska, D Trajanov, T Eftimov, M Simjanoska
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6882, 2020
Smartpatch for victims management in emergency telemedicine
F Lehocki, AM Bogdanova, M Tysler, B Ondrusova, M Simjanoska, ...
2021 13th International Conference on Measurement, 146-149, 2021
Bayesian posterior probability classification of colorectal cancer probed with affymetrix microarray technology
M Simjanoska, AM Bogdanova, Z Popeska
2013 36th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2013
ECG-derived Blood Pressure Classification using Complexity Analysis-based Machine Learning.
M Simjanoska, M Gjoreski, AM Bogdanova, B Koteska, M Gams, JF Tasic
HEALTHINF, 282-292, 2018
Cpu utilization while scaling resources in the cloud
M Gusev, S Ristov, M Simjanoska, G Velkoski
Cloud Computing, 131-137, 2013
Real-time smart advisory health system
M Kostoska, M Simjanoska, B Koteska, AM Bogdanova
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2018
Recognition of colorectal carcinogenic tissue with gene expression analysis using bayesian probability
M Simjanoska, AM Bogdanova, Z Popeska
ICT Innovations 2012: Secure and Intelligent Systems, 305-314, 2013
Comparing Different Settings of Parameters Needed for Pre-processing of ECG Signals used for Blood Pressure Classification.
M Simjanoska, G Papa, B Korousic-Seljak, T Eftimov
BIOSIGNALS, 62-72, 2019
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Articles 1–20