Rola Harmouche
Cited by
Cited by
Association between interstitial lung abnormalities and all-cause mortality
RK Putman, H Hatabu, T Araki, G Gudmundsson, W Gao, M Nishino, ...
Jama 315 (7), 672-681, 2016
Densitometric and local histogram based analysis of computed tomography images in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
SY Ash, R Harmouche, DLL Vallejo, JA Villalba, K Ostridge, R Gunville, ...
Respiratory research 18, 1-11, 2017
Respiratory symptoms in young adults and future lung disease. The CARDIA lung study
R Kalhan, MT Dransfield, LA Colangelo, MJ Cuttica, DR Jacobs Jr, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 197 (12), 1616-1624, 2018
Chest computed tomography-derived low fat-free mass index and mortality in COPD
MLN McDonald, AA Diaz, E Rutten, SM Lutz, R Harmouche, RSJ Estepar, ...
European Respiratory Journal 50 (6), 2017
Chest CT measures of muscle and adipose tissue in COPD: gender-based differences in content and in relationships with blood biomarkers
AA Diaz, L Zhou, TP Young, ML McDonald, R Harmouche, JC Ross, ...
Academic radiology 21 (10), 1255-1261, 2014
Chest imaging platform: an open-source library and workstation for quantitative chest imaging
R San Jose Estepar, JC Ross, R Harmouche, J Onieva, AA Diaz, ...
C66. Lung Imaging II: New Probes and Emerging Technologies, A4975-A4975, 2015
Bayesian MS lesion classification modeling regional and local spatial information
R Harmouche, L Collins, D Arnold, S Francis, T Arbel
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 3, 984-987, 2006
Pectoralis muscle area and mortality in smokers without airflow obstruction
AA Diaz, CH Martinez, R Harmouche, TP Young, ML McDonald, JC Ross, ...
Respiratory Research 19, 1-8, 2018
Interstitial features at chest CT enhance the deleterious effects of emphysema in the COPDGene cohort
SY Ash, R Harmouche, JC Ross, AA Diaz, FN Rahaghi, ...
Radiology 288 (2), 600-609, 2018
Probabilistic multiple sclerosis lesion classification based on modeling regional intensity variability and local neighborhood information
R Harmouche, NK Subbanna, DL Collins, DL Arnold, T Arbel
IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering 62 (5), 1281-1292, 2014
The objective identification and quantification of interstitial lung abnormalities in smokers
SY Ash, R Harmouche, JC Ross, AA Diaz, GM Hunninghake, RK Putman, ...
Academic radiology 24 (8), 941-946, 2017
Clinical and genetic associations of objectively identified interstitial changes in smokers
SY Ash, R Harmouche, RK Putman, JC Ross, AA Diaz, GM Hunninghake, ...
Chest 152 (4), 780-791, 2017
3D registration of MR and X-ray spine images using an articulated model
R Harmouche, F Cheriet, H Labelle, J Dansereau
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 36 (5), 410-418, 2012
Abdominal visceral adipose tissue is associated with myocardial infarction in patients with COPD
AA Diaz, TP Young, S Kurugol, E Eckbo, N Muralidhar, JK Chapman, ...
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: Journal of the COPD Foundation 2 (1), 8, 2015
Understanding the contribution of native tracheobronchial structure to lung function: CT assessment of airway morphology in never smokers
AA Diaz, FN Rahaghi, JC Ross, R Harmouche, J Tschirren, ...
Respiratory research 16, 1-9, 2015
Evaluation of CLtIPSEI, Investigators CO. Association between interstitial lung abnormalities and all-cause mortality
RK Putman, H Hatabu, T Araki, G Gudmundsson, W Gao, M Nishino, ...
Jama 315 (7), 672-681, 2016
Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints (ECLIPSE) Investigators COPDGene Investigators. Association between interstitial lung abnormalities …
RK Putman, H Hatabu, T Araki, G Gudmundsson, W Gao, M Nishino, ...
JAMA 315 (7), 672-81, 2016
Association between acute respiratory disease events and the MUC5B promoter polymorphism in smokers
SY Ash, R Harmouche, RK Putman, JC Ross, FJ Martinez, AM Choi, ...
Thorax 73 (11), 1071-1074, 2018
Morphologic response of the pulmonary vasculature to endoscopic lung volume reduction
FN Rahaghi, CE Come, JC Ross, R Harmouche, AA Diaz, RSJ Estépar, ...
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases 2 (3), 214, 2015
Quantitative interstitial abnormality progression and outcomes in the genetic epidemiology of COPD and Pittsburgh lung screening study cohorts
B Choi, N Adan, TJ Doyle, RSJ Estépar, R Harmouche, SM Humphries, ...
Chest 163 (1), 164-175, 2023
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