Susan Silverberg Koerner
Susan Silverberg Koerner
Professor, Human Development & Family Studies, University of Illinois
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The vicissitudes of autonomy in early adolescence
L Steinberg, SB Silverberg
Child Development 57, 841-851, 1986
Maternal emotional distress and diminished responsiveness: The mediating role of parenting efficacy and parental perspective-taking
D Gondoli, SB Silverberg
Developmental Psychology 33, 861-868, 1997
Adolescent autonomy, parent-adolescent conflict, and parental well-being
SB Silverberg, L Steinberg
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 16, 293-312, 1987
The dynamics between dependency and autonomy: Illustrations across the life span
M Baltes, SB Silverberg
Life-span development and behavior, 41-90, 1994
Psychological well-being of parents with early adolescent children
SB Silverberg, L Steinberg
Developmental Psychology 26, 658-666, 1990
Autonomy in adolescence: A contextual perspective
SB Silverberg, DM Gondoli
Sage Publications, Inc, 1996
Influences on marital satisfaction during the middle stages of the family life cycle
L Steinberg, SB Silverberg
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 751-760, 1987
Examining emerging-adults' and parents' expectations about autonomy during the transition to college
DY Baete Kenyon, S Silverberg Koerner
Journal of Adolescent Research 24 (3), 293-320, 2009
A dinâmica dependência: autonomia no curso de vida
MM Baltes, S Silverberg
Psicologia do Envelhecimento: Temas selecionados na perspectiva de curso de …, 1995
Maternal predictors of early adolescent achievement-related outcomes: Adolescent gender as moderator
MR Linver, S Susan B.
The Journal of Early Adolescence 17 (3), 294-318, 1997
Caregiving for elder relatives: which caregivers experience personal benefits/gains?
SS Koerner, DYB Kenyon, Y Shirai
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 48 (2), 238-245, 2009
Adolescents’ perceptions of the costs and benefits of engaging in health-compromising behaviors
SA Small, B Silverberg, Susan, D Kearns
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 22 (1), 73-87, 1993
Parental monitoring, family structure and adolescent substance use
SB Silverberg, SA Small
meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development, 1991
Sensitive mother-to-adolescent disclosures after divorce: Is the experience of sons different from that of daughters?
S Silverberg Koerner, S Wallace, S Jacobs Lehman, SA Lee, ...
Journal of Family Psychology 18 (1), 46, 2004
When Mothers Turn to Their Adolescent Daughters: Predicting Daughters' Vulnerability to Negative Adjustment Outcomes*
SS Koerner, SL Jacobs, M Raymond
Family Relations 49 (3), 301-309, 2000
Mother-to-daughter disclosure after divorce: Are there costs and benefits?
SS Koerner, S Wallace, SJ Lehman, M Raymond
Journal of Child and family Studies 11 (4), 469-483, 2002
Understanding “good days” and “bad days”: Emotional and physical reactivity among caregivers for elder relatives
SS Koerner, DYB Kenyon
Family Relations 56 (1), 1-11, 2007
Adolescence and family interaction
SB Silverberg, T Tennenbaum, D., Jacob
Handbook of social development: A lifespan perspective, 347-370, 1992
Reaping caregiver feelings of gain: The roles of socio-emotional support and mastery
Y Shirai, S Silverberg Koerner, DY Baete Kenyon
Aging and Mental Health 13 (1), 106-117, 2009
A dyadic examination of family-of-origin influence on newlyweds’ marital satisfaction.
RP Dennison, SS Koerner, C Segrin
Journal of Family Psychology 28 (3), 429, 2014
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Articles 1–20