Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci
Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci
Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Physical Chemistry, Johannes Kepler University Linz
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Conjugated polymer-based organic solar cells
S Günes, H Neugebauer, NS Sariciftci
Chemical reviews 107 (4), 1324-1338, 2007
Photoinduced electron transfer from a conducting polymer to buckminsterfullerene
NS Sariciftci, L Smilowitz, AJ Heeger, F Wudl
Science 258 (5087), 1474-1476, 1992
Plastic solar cells
CJ Brabec, NS Sariciftci, JC Hummelen
Advanced functional materials 11 (1), 15-26, 2001
2.5% efficient organic plastic solar cells
SE Shaheen, CJ Brabec, NS Sariciftci, F Padinger, T Fromherz, ...
Applied physics letters 78 (6), 841-843, 2001
Organic solar cells: An overview
H Hoppe, NS Sariciftci
Journal of materials research 19 (7), 1924-1945, 2004
Effects of postproduction treatment on plastic solar cells
F Padinger, RS Rittberger, NS Sariciftci
Advanced functional materials 13 (1), 85-88, 2003
Origin of the open circuit voltage of plastic solar cells
CJ Brabec, A Cravino, D Meissner, NS Sariciftci, T Fromherz, MT Rispens, ...
Advanced functional materials 11 (5), 374-380, 2001
Ultrathin and lightweight organic solar cells with high flexibility
M Kaltenbrunner, MS White, ED Głowacki, T Sekitani, T Someya, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 770, 2012
Morphology of polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells
H Hoppe, NS Sariciftci
Journal of Materials Chemistry 16 (1), 45-61, 2006
Semiconducting polymer‐buckminsterfullerene heterojunctions: Diodes, photodiodes, and photovoltaic cells
NS Sariciftci, D Braun, C Zhang, VI Srdanov, AJ Heeger, G Stucky, F Wudl
Applied physics letters 62 (6), 585-587, 1993
Efficiency of bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells
MC Scharber, NS Sariciftci
Progress in polymer science 38 (12), 1929-1940, 2013
Effect of LiF/metal electrodes on the performance of plastic solar cells
CJ Brabec, SE Shaheen, C Winder, NS Sariciftci, P Denk
Applied physics letters 80 (7), 1288-1290, 2002
Organic solar cells with carbon nanotube network electrodes
MW Rowell, MA Topinka, MD McGehee, HJ Prall, G Dennler, NS Sariciftci, ...
Applied Physics Letters 88 (23), 2006
Flexible high power-per-weight perovskite solar cells with chromium oxide–metal contacts for improved stability in air
M Kaltenbrunner, G Adam, ED Głowacki, M Drack, R Schwödiauer, ...
Nature materials 14 (10), 1032-1039, 2015
Organic photovoltaics: concepts and realization
CJ Brabec, V Dyakonov, J Parisi, NS Sariciftci
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
Ultrathin, highly flexible and stretchable PLEDs
MS White, M Kaltenbrunner, ED Głowacki, K Gutnichenko, G Kettlgruber, ...
Nature Photonics 7 (10), 811-816, 2013
Nanoscale morphology of conjugated polymer/fullerene‐based bulk‐heterojunction solar cells
H Hoppe, M Niggemann, C Winder, J Kraut, R Hiesgen, A Hinsch, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 14 (10), 1005-1011, 2004
Low bandgap polymers for photon harvesting in bulk heterojunction solar cells
C Winder, NS Sariciftci
Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (7), 1077-1086, 2004
Tracing photoinduced electron transfer process in conjugated polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunctions in real time
CJ Brabec, G Zerza, G Cerullo, S De Silvestri, S Luzzati, JC Hummelen, ...
Chemical physics letters 340 (3-4), 232-236, 2001
Organic photovoltaics: mechanisms, materials, and devices
SS Sun, NS Sariciftci
CRC press, 2017
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