Lectures on the geometry of Poisson manifolds I Vaisman Birkhäuser, 2012 | 1200 | 2012 |
Structure and geometry of Lie groups J Hilgert, KH Neeb Springer Science & Business Media, 2011 | 529 | 2011 |
Lie groups, convex cones, and semigroups J Hilgert, KH Hofmann, JD Lawson (No Title), 1989 | 400 | 1989 |
Lie semigroups and their applications J Hilgert, KH Neeb Springer, 2006 | 223 | 2006 |
Lie-Gruppen und Lie-Algebren J Hilgert, KH Neeb Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 204 | 2013 |
Causal symmetric spaces J Hilgert, G Ólafsson Academic Press, 1996 | 199 | 1996 |
Symplectic convexity theorems and coadjoint orbits J Hilgert, KH Neeb, W Plank Compositio Mathematica 94 (2), 129-180, 1994 | 117 | 1994 |
Reductive dual pair correspondence for complex groups J Adams, D Barbasch Journal of Functional Analysis 132 (1), 1-42, 1995 | 99 | 1995 |
Spherical functions on ordered symmetric spaces J Faraut, J Hilgert, G Ólafsson Annales de l'institut Fourier 44 (3), 927-965, 1994 | 68 | 1994 |
Hardy spaces on affine symmetric spaces J Hilgert, G Ólafsson, B Ørsted J. reine angew. Math 415, 189-218, 1991 | 67 | 1991 |
Causal symmetric spaces G Olafsson, J Hilgert Academic Press, 1996 | 49 | 1996 |
Old and new on S1 (2) J Hilgert, KH Hofmann manuscripta mathematica 54 (1), 17-52, 1985 | 48 | 1985 |
Minimal representations via Bessel operators J Hilgert, T Kobayashi, J Möllers Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 66 (2), 349-414, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Classical and quantum resonances for hyperbolic surfaces C Guillarmou, J Hilgert, T Weich Mathematische Annalen 370, 1231-1275, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
The analytical and topological theory of semigroups: trends and developments KH Hofmann, JD Lawson, JS Pym Walter de Gruyter, 2011 | 35 | 2011 |
Transfer operators for and the Hecke operators for the period functions for J Hilgert, D Mayer, H Movasati arXiv preprint math/0303251, 2003 | 31 | 2003 |
Lorentzian cones in real Lie algebras J Hilgert, KH Hofmann Monatshefte für Mathematik 100 (3), 183-210, 1985 | 30 | 1985 |
Wiener-Hopf Operators on Ordered Homogeneous Spaces, I J Hilgert, KH Neeb Journal of Functional Analysis 132 (1), 86-118, 1995 | 29 | 1995 |
Fock model and Segal–Bargmann transform for minimal representations of Hermitian Lie groups J Hilgert, T Kobayashi, J Möllers, B Ørsted Journal of functional analysis 263 (11), 3492-3563, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
Invariant Berezin integration on homogeneous supermanifolds A Alldridge, J Hilgert arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.3251, 2009 | 26 | 2009 |