Abdullah Almaatouq
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Measuring the predictability of life outcomes with a scientific mass collaboration
MJ Salganik, I Lundberg, AT Kindel, CE Ahearn, K Al-Ghoneim, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (15), 8398-8403, 2020
Adaptive social networks promote the wisdom of crowds
A Almaatouq, A Noriega-Campero, A Alotaibi, PM Krafft, M Moussaid, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020
Are you your friends’ friend? Poor perception of friendship ties limits the ability to promote behavioral change
A Almaatouq, L Radaelli, A Pentland, E Shmueli
PloS one 11 (3), e0151588, 2016
If it looks like a spammer and behaves like a spammer, it must be a spammer: analysis and detection of microblogging spam accounts
A Almaatouq, E Shmueli, M Nouh, A Alabdulkareem, VK Singh, M Alsaleh, ...
International Journal of Information Security, 1-17, 2016
Beyond playing 20 questions with nature: Integrative experiment design in the social and behavioral sciences
A Almaatouq, TL Griffiths, JW Suchow, ME Whiting, J Evans, DJ Watts
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47, e33, 2024
Empirica: a virtual lab for high-throughput macro-level experiments
A Almaatouq, J Becker, JP Houghton, N Paton, DJ Watts, ME Whiting
Behavior Research Methods, 1-14, 2021
Task complexity moderates group synergy
A Almaatouq, M Alsobay, M Yin, DJ Watts
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (36), e2101062118, 2021
Mobile communication signatures of unemployment
A Almaatouq, F Prieto-Castrillo, A Pentland
Social Informatics: 8th International Conference, SocInfo 2016, Bellevue, WA …, 2016
Twitter: who gets caught? observed trends in social micro-blogging spam
A Almaatouq, A Alabdulkareem, M Nouh, E Shmueli, M Alsaleh, VK Singh, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science, 33-41, 2014
Social information leakage: Effects of awareness and peer pressure on user behavior
M Nouh, A Almaatouq, A Alabdulkareem, VK Singh, E Shmueli, M Alsaleh, ...
Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust: Second …, 2014
Turkers of the World Unite: Multilevel In-Group Bias Among Crowdworkers on Amazon Mechanical Turk
A Almaatouq, P Krafft, Y Dunham, DG Rand, A Pentland
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1948550619837002, 2019
A test for evaluating performance in human-computer systems
A Campero, M Vaccaro, J Song, H Wen, A Almaatouq, TW Malone
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12390, 2022
The City Browser: Utilizing Massive Call Data to Infer City Mobility Dynamics
F Alhasoun, A Almaatouq, K Greco, R Campari, A Alfaris, C Ratti
The 3rd International Workshop on Urban Computing (UrbComp 2014), 2014
Dynamical networks of influence in small group discussions
M Moussaïd, A Noriega Campero, A Almaatouq
PloS one 13 (1), e0190541, 2018
Impact of Model Interpretability and Outcome Feedback on Trust in AI
D Ahn, A Almaatouq, M Gulabani, K Hosanagar
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-25, 2024
Screening diabetic retinopathy using an automated retinal image analysis system in independent and assistive use cases in Mexico: randomized controlled trial
A Noriega, D Meizner, D Camacho, J Enciso, H Quiroz-Mercado, ...
JMIR formative research 5 (8), e25290, 2021
The distribution of initial estimates moderates the effect of social influence on the wisdom of the crowd
A Almaatouq, MA Rahimian, JW Burton, A Alhajri
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 16546, 2022
Network structures of collective intelligence: The contingent benefits of group discussion
J Becker, A Almaatouq, EÁ Horvát
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.07202, 2020
Winning models for grade point average, grit, and layoff in the fragile families challenge
DE Rigobon, E Jahani, Y Suhara, K AlGhoneim, A Alghunaim, ...
Socius 5, 2378023118820418, 2019
Collective problem-solving of groups across tasks of varying complexity
A Almaatouq, M Yin, DJ Watts
PsyArXiv, 2020
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