Eugen Borcoci
Eugen Borcoci
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Efficient media streaming with collaborative terminals for the smart city environment
JM Batalla, P Krawiec, CX Mavromoustakis, G Mastorakis, N Chilamkurti, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (1), 98-104, 2017
On multi-controller placement optimization in software defined networking-based wans
E Borcoci, R Badea, SG Obreja, M Vochin
ICN 2015, 273, 2015
A novel architecture for multimedia distribution based on content-aware networking
E Borcoci, D Negru, C Timmerer
2010 Third International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability …, 2010
End-to-end quality of service provisioning through an integrated management system for multimedia content delivery
T Ahmed, AH Asgari, A Mehaoua, E Borcoci, L Berti-Equille, K Georgios
Computer Communications 30 (3), 638-651, 2007
WiMAX technology support for applications in environmental monitoring, fire prevention and telemedicine
E Guainella, E Borcoei, M Katz, P Neves, M Curado, F Andreotti, E Angori
2007 IEEE Mobile WiMAX Symposium, 125-131, 2007
MS-Stream: A multiple-source adaptive streaming solution enhancing consumer's perceived quality
J Bruneau-Queyreix, M Lacaud, D Negru, JM Batalla, E Borcoci
2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2017
Service management for end-to-end QoS multimedia content delivery in heterogeneous environment
E Borcoci, A Asgari, N Butler, T Ahmed, A Mehaoua, G Kourmentzas, ...
Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications/Service Assurance with …, 2005
Adding a new dimension to HTTP Adaptive Streaming through multiple-source capabilities
J Bruneau-Queyreix, M Lacaud, D Negru, JM Batalla, E Borcoci
IEEE MultiMedia 25 (3), 65-78, 2018
Media ecosystems: A novel approach for content-awareness in future networks
H Koumaras, D Negru, E Borcoci, V Koumaras, C Troulos, Y Lapid, ...
The Future Internet: Future Internet Assembly 2011: Achievements and …, 2011
An overview of 5G slicing operational business models for Internet of vehicles, maritime IoT applications and connectivity solutions
E Borcoci, AM Drăgulinescu, FY Li, MC Vochin, K Kjellstadli
IEEE Access 9, 156624-156646, 2021
Distributed control plane optimization in sdn-fog vanet
E Borcoci, T Ambarus, M Vochin
ICN 2017, 135, 2017
Scalable media coding enabling content-aware networking
M Grafl, C Timmerer, H Hellwagner, G Xilouris, G Gardikis, D Renzi, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 20 (2), 30-41, 2012
SDN controller implementation using OpenDaylight: experiments
A Eftimie, E Borcoci
2020 13th International Conference on Communications (COMM), 477-481, 2020
Internet of vehicles functional architectures-comparative critical study
E Borcoci, S Obreja, M Vochin
The ninth international conference on advances in future internet, AFIN, 10-14, 2017
Multiple description-DASH: Pragmatic video streaming maximizing end-users' quality of experience
J Bruneau-Queyreix, D Négru, JM Batalla, E Borcoci
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2016
Extending WiMAX technology to support End to End QoS guarantees
E Angori, E Borcoci, S Mignanti, C Nardini, G Landi, N Ciulli, G Sergio, ...
WEIRD Workshop-Coimbra 22, 2007
QOE enhancement through cost-effective adaptation decision process for multiple-server streaming over HTTP
J Bruneau-Queyreix, M Lacaud, D Negru, JM Batalla, E Borcoci
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1-6, 2017
WiMAX extension to isolated research data networks: The WEIRD system
E Guainella, E Borcoci, M Katz, P Neves, M Curado, F Andreotti, E Angori
Mobile WiMAX, 329-352, 2008
Optimization of multi-server video content streaming in 5G environment
E Borcoci, T Ambarus, J Bruneau-Queyreix, D Negru, JM Batalla
The Eighth International Conference on Evolving Internet INTERNET 2016, 2016
Optimization algorithms in SDN: Routing, load balancing, and delay optimization
MD Tache, O Păscuțoiu, E Borcoci
Applied Sciences 14 (14), 5967, 2024
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Articles 1–20