Filipe Calegario
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A hackathon methodology for undergraduate course projects
K Gama, B Alencar, F Calegario, A Neves, P Alessio
2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2018
Considering Audience's View Towards an Evaluation Methodology for Digital Musical Instruments.
J Barbosa, F Calegario, V Teichrieb, GL Ramalho, P McGlynn
NIME, 2012
A method and toolkit for digital musical instruments: generating ideas and prototypes
F Calegario, MM Wanderley, S Huot, G Cabral, G Ramalho
IEEE MultiMedia 24 (1), 63-71, 2017
Challenges in designing new interfaces for musical expression
R Medeiros, F Calegario, G Cabral, G Ramalho
Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for …, 2014
Designing dmis for popular music in the brazilian northeast: lessons learned.
J Barbosa, F Calegario, J Tragtenberg, G Cabral, GL Ramalho, ...
NIME, 277-280, 2015
Towards an evaluation methodology for digital music instruments considering performer’s view: a case study
J Barbosa, F Calegario, F Magalhães, V Teichrieb, G Ramalho, G Cabral
Proceedings of 13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, 2011
Illusio: A drawing-based digital music instrument
J Barbosa, F Calegario, V Teichrieb, G Ramalho, G Cabral
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2013
Documentation and Replicability in the NIME Community
F Calegario, J Tragtenberg, C Frisson, E Meneses, J Malloch, V Cusson, ...
NIME 2021, 2021
Probatio 1.0: collaborative development of a toolkit for functional DMI prototypes
F Calegario, M Wanderley, J Tragtenberg, E Meneses, J Wang, J Sullivan, ...
Proceedings of the international conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2020
Designing Digital Musical Instruments Using Probatio: A Physical Prototyping Toolkit
F Calegario
Springer, 2018
Gambiarra and techno-vernacular creativity in nime research
J Tragtenberg, G Albuquerque, F Calegario
NIME 2021, 2021
Towards the concept of digital dance and music instruments
JN Tragtenberg, F Calegario, G Cabral, GL Ramalho
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical …, 2019
Open source DMIs: towards a replication certification for online shared projects of digital musical instruments
F Calegario, J Tragtenberg, J Wang, I Franco, E Meneses, MM Wanderley
HCI International 2020-Late Breaking Papers: User Experience Design and Case …, 2020
Agency in co-creativity: Towards a structured analysis of a concept
J Koch, PT Ravikumar, F Calegario
ICCC 2021-12th International Conference on Computational Creativity 1, 449-452, 2021
Being (a) part of nime: Embracing latin american perspectives
JPM Avila, J Tragtenberg, F Calegario, X Alarcon, LPC Hinojosa, ...
NIME 2022, 2022
Kanchay_Yupana: Tangible rhythm sequencer inspired by ancestral Andean technologies
LPC Hinojosa
NIME 2022, 2022
Batebit Controller: Popularizing Digital Musical Instruments Development Process
F Calegario, J Tragtenberg, G Cabral, G Ramalho
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.13266, 2021
Tumtá and pisada: Two foot-controlled digital dance and music instruments inspired by popular brazillian traditions
J Tragtenberg, F Calegario, G Cabral, G Ramalho
Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical (SBCM), 76-83, 2019
Challenges in designing dmis
F Calegario, F Calegario
Designing Digital Musical Instruments Using Probatio: A Physical Prototyping …, 2019
Sketchument: Empowering users to build DMIs through prototyping
F Calegario, J Barbosa, G Ramalho, G Cabral, G Finch
Organised Sound 18 (3), 314-327, 2013
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Articles 1–20