maria luce frezzotti
maria luce frezzotti
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Raman spectroscopy for fluid inclusion analysis
ML Frezzotti, F Tecce, A Casagli
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 112, 1-20, 2012
Carbonate dissolution during subduction revealed by diamond-bearing rocks from the Alps
ML Frezzotti, J Selverstone, ZD Sharp, R Compagnoni
Nature Geoscience 4 (10), 703-706, 2011
Silicate-melt inclusions in magmatic rocks: applications to petrology
ML Frezzotti
Lithos 55 (1-4), 273-299, 2001
Multiphase solid inclusions in UHP rocks (Su-Lu, China): Remnants of supercritical silicate-rich aqueous fluids released during continental subduction
S Ferrando, ML Frezzotti, L Dallai, R Compagnoni
Chemical Geology 223 (1-3), 68-81, 2005
Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of microplastics in aquatic systems
V Nava, ML Frezzotti, B Leoni
Applied Spectroscopy 75 (11), 1341-1357, 2021
Plastic debris in lakes and reservoirs
V Nava, S Chandra, J Aherne, MB Alfonso, AM Antão-Geraldes, ...
Nature 619 (7969), 317-322, 2023
Carbonate metasomatism and CO2 lithosphere–asthenosphere degassing beneath the Western Mediterranean: an integrated model arising from petrological and geophysical data
ML Frezzotti, A Peccerillo, G Panza
Chemical Geology 262 (1-2), 108-120, 2009
The chemical behavior of fluids released during deep subduction based on fluid inclusions
ML Frezzotti, S Ferrando
American Mineralogist 100 (2-3), 352-377, 2015
Chapter 11 Geology, volcanic history and petrology of Vulcano (central Aeolian archipelago)
G De Astis, F Lucchi, P Dellino, L La Volpe, CA Tranne, ML Frezzotti, ...
Geological Society, London, Memoirs 37 (1), 281-349, 2013
CO2, carbonate-rich melts, and brines in the mantle
ML Frezzotti, JLR Touret
Geoscience Frontiers 5 (5), 697-710, 2014
Magmatic immiscibility and fluid phase evolution in the Mount Genis granite (southeastern Sardinia, Italy)
ML Frezzotti
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56 (1), 21-33, 1992
Chapter 10 Stratigraphy and geological evolution of the Lipari volcanic complex (central Aeolian archipelago)
F Forni, F Lucchi, A Peccerillo, CA Tranne, PL Rossi, ML Frezzotti
Geological Society, London, Memoirs 37 (1), 213-279, 2013
Modeling the magma plumbing system of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) by integrated fluid-inclusion geobarometry, petrology, and geophysics
A Peccerillo, ML Frezzotti, G De Astis, G Ventura
Geology 34 (1), 17-20, 2006
Recovering the composition of melt and the fluid regime at the onset of crustal anatexis and S-type granite formation
O Bartoli, B Cesare, S Poli, RJ Bodnar, A Acosta-Vigil, ML Frezzotti, S Meli
Geology 41 (2), 115-118, 2013
Carbonatite melt–CO2 fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths from Tenerife, Canary Islands: a story of trapping, immiscibility and fluid–rock interaction in the upper mantle
ML Frezzotti, T Andersen, ER Neumann, SL Simonsen
Lithos 64 (3-4), 77-96, 2002
Diamond-bearing COHS fluids in the mantle beneath Hawaii
ML Frezzotti, A Peccerillo
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 262 (1-2), 273-283, 2007
Metasomatism of continental crust during subduction: the UHP whiteschists from the Southern Dora‐Maira Massif (Italian Western Alps)
S Ferrando, ML Frezzotti, M Petrelli, R Compagnoni
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 27 (9), 739-756, 2009
Chlorine-rich metasomatic H2O–CO2 fluids in amphibole-bearing peridotites from Injibara (Lake Tana region, Ethiopian plateau): nature and evolution of volatiles in the mantle …
ML Frezzotti, S Ferrando, A Peccerillo, M Petrelli, F Tecce, A Perucchi
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74 (10), 3023-3039, 2010
Fluid inclusions in minerals: methods and applications
RJ Bodnar, MO Vityk, B De Vivo, ML Frezzotti
Pontignano. Siena, 117-130, 1994
Magmatic feeding system and crustal magma accumulation beneath Vulcano Island (Italy): Evidence from CO2 fluid inclusions in quartz xenoliths
V Zanon, ML Frezzotti, A Peccerillo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B6), 2003
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