Naif R. Aljohani
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Cited by
Predicting academic performance of students from VLE big data using deep learning models
H Waheed, SU Hassan, NR Aljohani, J Hardman, S Alelyani, R Nawaz
Computers in Human behavior 104, 106189, 2020
Predicting student performance using advanced learning analytics
A Daud, NR Aljohani, RA Abbasi, MD Lytras, F Abbas, JS Alowibdi
Proceedings of the 26th international conference on world wide web companion …, 2017
A big data driven framework for demand-driven forecasting with effects of marketing-mix variables
A Kumar, R Shankar, NR Aljohani
Industrial marketing management 90, 493-507, 2020
CC-GA: A clustering coefficient based genetic algorithm for detecting communities in social networks
A Said, RA Abbasi, O Maqbool, A Daud, NR Aljohani
Applied Soft Computing 63, 59-70, 2018
An integrated framework for course adapted student learning analytics dashboard
NR Aljohani, A Daud, RA Abbasi, JS Alowibdi, M Basheri, MA Aslam
Computers in Human Behavior 92, 679-690, 2019
Measuring social media activity of scientific literature: An exhaustive comparison of scopus and novel altmetrics big data
SU Hassan, M Imran, U Gillani, NR Aljohani, TD Bowman, F Didegah
Scientometrics 113, 1037-1057, 2017
A bibliometric perspective of learning analytics research landscape
H Waheed, SU Hassan, NR Aljohani, M Wasif
Behaviour & Information Technology 37 (10-11), 941-957, 2018
What’s happening around the world? a survey and framework on event detection techniques on twitter
Z Saeed, RA Abbasi, O Maqbool, A Sadaf, I Razzak, A Daud, NR Aljohani, ...
Journal of Grid Computing 17, 279-312, 2019
Virtual Learning Environment to Predict Withdrawal by Leveraging Deep Learning
Saeed-Ul Hassan, Hajra Waheed, Naif R. Aljohani, Mohsen Ali, Sebastián ...
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2019
Modelling to identify influential bloggers in the blogosphere: A survey
HU Khan, A Daud, U Ishfaq, T Amjad, N Aljohani, RA Abbasi, JS Alowibdi
Computers in Human Behavior 68, 64-82, 2017
Predicting at-risk students using clickstream data in the virtual learning environment
NR Aljohani, A Fayoumi, SU Hassan
Sustainability 11 (24), 7238, 2019
Deep sentiments in roman urdu text using recurrent convolutional neural network model
Z Mahmood, I Safder, RMA Nawab, F Bukhari, R Nawaz, AS Alfakeeh, ...
Information Processing & Management 57 (4), 102233, 2020
Saving lives using social media: analysis of the role of twitter for personal blood donation requests and dissemination
RA Abbasi, O Maqbool, M Mushtaq, NR Aljohani, A Daud, JS Alowibdi, ...
Telematics and Informatics 35 (4), 892-912, 2018
Towards Smart Healthcare: Patient Data Privacy and Security in Sensor‐Cloud Infrastructure
I Masood, Y Wang, A Daud, NR Aljohani, H Dawood
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2018 (1), 2143897, 2018
Learning analytics in mobile and ubiquitous learning environments
NR Aljohani, HC Davis
The King Abdulaziz University (KAU) pandemic framework: a methodological approach to leverage social media for the sustainable management of higher education in crisis
AO AI-Youbi, A Al-Hayani, HJ Bardesi, M Basheri, MD Lytras, NR Aljohani
Sustainability 12 (11), 4367, 2020
A decade of in-text citation analysis based on natural language processing and machine learning techniques: an overview of empirical studies
S Iqbal, SU Hassan, NR Aljohani, S Alelyani, R Nawaz, L Bornmann
Scientometrics 126 (8), 6551-6599, 2021
Deep context of citations using machine-learning models in scholarly full-text articles
SU Hassan, M Imran, S Iqbal, NR Aljohani, R Nawaz
Scientometrics 117, 1645-1662, 2018
Predicting literature’s early impact with sentiment analysis in Twitter
SU Hassan, NR Aljohani, N Idrees, R Sarwar, R Nawaz, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 192, 105383, 2020
Learning analytics and formative assessment to provide immediate detailed feedback using a student centered mobile dashboard
NR Aljohani
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Articles 1–20