Gyorgy L. Balazs
Cited by
Cited by
Models for flexural cracking in concrete: the state of the art
A Borosnyói, GL Balázs
Structural Concrete 6 (2), 53-62, 2005
Cracking analysis based on slip and bond stresses
GL Balazs
Materials Journal 90 (4), 340-348, 1993
Bond of FRP bars with different surface characteristics
S Solyom, GL Balázs
Construction and Building Materials 264, 119839, 2020
Fatigue of bond
GL Balazs
Materials Journal 88 (6), 620-630, 1992
162-TDF (2001) Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete-Uni-axial tension test for steel fibre reinforced concrete
TC Rilem
Materials and Structures 34 (235), 3-6, 0
RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete'-sigma-epsilon-design method-Final Recommendation
L Vandewalle, D Nemegeer, L Balazs, B Barr, J Barros, P Bartos, ...
Materials and Structures 36 (262), 560-567, 2003
Chloride ion binding capacity of aluminoferrites
J Csizmadia, G Balázs, FD Tamás
Cement and Concrete Research 31 (4), 577-588, 2001
Correlation of Malignancy with the Intracellular Na+:K+ Ratio in Human Thyroid Tumors
I Zs.-Nagy, G Lustyik, G Lukács, V Zs.-Nagy, G Balázs
Cancer research 43 (11), 5395-5402, 1983
Near surface mounted FRP reinforcement for strengthening of concrete structures
ZK Szabó, GL Balázs
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 51 (1), 33-38, 2007
Externally bonded FRP reinforcement for RC structures
T Triantafillou, S Matthys, K Audenaert, G Balázs, M Blaschko, H Blontrock, ...
Bulletin FIB 14, 2001
Design for SLS according to fib Model Code 2010
GL Balázs, P Bisch, A Borosnyói, O Burdet, C Burns, F Ceroni, ...
Structural Concrete 14 (2), 99-123, 2013
Effect of temperature on the bond behaviour of GFRP bars in concrete
S Solyom, M Di Benedetti, M Guadagnini, GL Balázs
Composites Part B: Engineering 183, 107602, 2020
Transfer control of prestressing strands
GL Balazs
PCI journal 37 (6), 60-71, 1992
Long-term behavior of FRP
GL Balázs, A Borosnyói
Composites in Construction: A Reality, 84-91, 2001
Observation of steel fibres in concrete with Computed Tomography
GL Balázs, O Czoboly, É Lublóy, K Kapitány, Á Barsi
Construction and Building Materials 140, 534-541, 2017
Bond of NSM FRP-strengthened concrete: Round robin test initiative
A Bilotta, F Ceroni, JAO Barros, I Costa, A Palmieri, ZK Szabó, E Nigro, ...
Journal of Composites for Construction 20 (1), 04015026, 2016
Transfer length of prestressing strand as a function of draw-in and initial prestress
GL Balazs
PCI Journal 38 (2), 86-93, 1993
Technetium-99m-sestamibi/pertechnetate subtraction scintigraphy vs ultrasonography for preoperative localization in primary hyperparathyroidism
C Berczi, E Mezosi, L Galuska, J Varga, L Bajnok, G Lukacs, G Balazs
European radiology 12, 605-609, 2002
Improved fire resistance by using Portland-pozzolana or Portland-fly ash cements
É Lublóy, K Kopecskó, GL Balázs, Á Restás, IM Szilágyi
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 129, 925-936, 2017
Post-heating strength of fiber-reinforced concretes
GL Balázs, É Lublóy
Fire Safety Journal 49, 100-106, 2012
Immunogenetic and immunologic studies of differentiated thyroid cancer
F Juhasz, P Boros, G Szegedi, G Balazs, P Suranyi, E Kraszits, ...
Cancer 63 (7), 1318-1326, 1989
Externally applied FRP reinforcement for concrete structures
S Matthys, Fib Working Group
International Federation for Structural Concrete, 2019
Analytical and statistical study of the bond of FRP bars with different surface characteristics
S Solyom, GL Balázs
Composite Structures 270, 113953, 2021
Improved fire resistance by using slag cements
É Lublóy, K Kopecskó, GL Balázs, IM Szilágyi, J Madarász
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 125, 271-279, 2016
Renal artery aneurysm at the anastomosis after kidney transplantation
L Asztalos, S Olvasztó, R Fedor, L Szabó, G Balázs, G Lukács
Transplantation proceedings 38 (9), 2915-2918, 2006
Evaluation of concrete elements with X-ray computed tomography
GL Balázs, É Lublóy, T Földes
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (9), 06018010, 2018
Multiple myeloma of the central nervous system: 13 cases and review of the literature
G Varga, G Mikala, L Gopcsa, Z Csukly, S Kollai, G Balázs, T Botond, ...
Journal of Oncology 2018 (1), 3970169, 2018
Rilem TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete: Uni-axial tension test for steel fibre reinforced concrete
L Vandewalle, D Nemegeer, GL Balazs, B Barr, P Bartos, N Banthia, ...
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions 34 (235), 3-6, 2001
Bond of reinforcement in concrete: state-of-art report
R Tepfers, ...
Internat. Fed. for Structural Concrete, 2000
Association of goitrous autoimmune thyroiditis with HLA‐DR3 in Eastern Hungary
V Stenszky, C Balazs, E Kraszits, F Juhasz, L Kozma, G Balazs, NR Farid
International Journal of Immunogenetics 14 (2‐3), 143-148, 1987
Kinetic method to analyse chloride diffusion in various concretes
R Frey, T Balogh, GL Balazs
Cement and concrete research 24 (5), 863-873, 1994
The relation of susceptibility to and biologic behavior of thyroid epithelial cell cancer to HLA‐DR1
F Juhasz, G Balázs, V Stenszky, L Kozma, NR Farid
Cancer 58 (1), 52-54, 1986
Reinforced and prestressed concrete using HPFRCC matrices
AE Naaman, P Paramasivam, G Balazs, J Eibl, L Erdelyi, N Hassoun, ...
High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement 825 Composites 2 (HPFRCC 2), 291-347, 1995
Fibers and fiber cocktails to improve fire resistance of concrete
O Czoboly, É Lublóy, V Hlavička, GL Balázs, O Kéri, IM Szilágyi
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 128, 1453-1461, 2017
Slip increase under cyclic and long term loads
R Koch, GL Balazs
Otto Graf Journal 4 (1), 160-191, 1993
Bond of FRP bars in air-entrained concrete: Experimental and statistical study
S Solyom, M Di Benedetti, GL Balázs
Construction and Building Materials 300, 124193, 2021
Investigations of direct shear of one-year old SFRC after exposed to elevated temperatures
NS Alimrani, GL Balazs
Construction and Building Materials 254, 119308, 2020
A historical review of shear
GL Balázs
Bulletin 57, 1-13, 2010
Structural behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete
I Kovács, GL Balázs
Structural concrete 4 (2), 57-63, 2003
Steel-concrete interfaces: Experimental aspects
HW Reinhardt, GL Balázs
Studies in Applied Mechanics 42, 255-279, 1995
Connecting reinforcement to concrete by bond
GL Balázs
Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 102 (S1), 46-50, 2007
Bleomycin-induced fibrosis in pigs: evaluation with CT.
G Balazs, S Noma, A Khan, T Eacobacci, PG Herman
Radiology 191 (1), 269-272, 1994
Concrete with improved chloride binding and chloride resistivity by blended cements
K Kopecskó, GL Balázs
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2017 (1), 7940247, 2017
Bond characteristics under reversed cyclic loading
GL Balazs, R Koch
Otto Graf Journal 6 (1), 47-62, 1995
Bond of NSM FRP strengthened concrete: round robin test initiative
A Palmieri, S Matthys, JAO Barros, I Costa, A Bilotta, E Nigro, F Ceroni, ...
International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC), 2012
Structural performance of steel fibre reinforced concrete
I Kovács, GL Balázs
Budapest University of Technology and Economics: Budapest, Hungary, 2004
Rilem tc 162-tdf: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete: bending test
L Vandewalle, D Nemegeer, L Balazs, M DI PRISCO
Materials and Structures 35 (253), 579-582, 2002
Bond of CFRP wires under elevated temperature
É Balázs–Adorján, BSG Nehme
Proc. of the International Symposium on Bond Behaviour of FRP in Structures …, 2005
Reinforced concrete structures in and after fire
G Balazs, E Lubloy
Concrete structures 13, 72-80, 2012
Bond under repeated loading
GL Balazs
Special Publication 180, 125-144, 1998
Sylvester János és kora
J Balázs
(No Title), 1958
Non-metallic reinforcements with different moduli of elasticity and surfaces for concrete structures
S Sólyom, M Di Benedetti, A Szijártó, GL Balázs
Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment 11 (2), 79-88, 2018
Bond mechanics including pull-out and splitting failures
PG Gambarova, G Plizzari, G Rosati, G Russo
Bond of reinforcement in concrete, State of the art report 10, 1-98, 2000
Surgically treated Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
F Györy, G Lukacs, F Juhasz, E Mezösi, S Szakall, T Vegh, J Máth, ...
Acta chirurgica Hungarica 38 (3-4), 243-247, 1999
Strengthening of RC elements by CFRP plates local failure
MM Almakt, GL Balázs, K Pilakoutas
2nd Int. PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, 1998
Synthetic fibres or fibre cocktail in terms of shear capacity of concrete after elevated temperatures
NS Alimrani, GL Balazs
Mechanics of Materials 148, 103504, 2020
Temperature dependent load bearing capacity of laminated glass panes
K Pankhardt, GL Balázs
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 54 (1), 11-22, 2010
The first case of human alveolar echinococcosis in Hungary
A Horváth, A Patonay, D Bánhegyi, J Szlávik, G Balázs, D Görög, ...
Orvosi hetilap 149 (17), 795-799, 2008
90. Effect of steel fibres on the cracking behaviour of RC members
GL Balazs, I Kovacs
6th International RILEM Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concretes, 1007-1016, 2004
Bond and detailing
R Eligehausen, GL Balazs
Bulletin d’Information CEB 217, 173-226, 1991
Bond Model with non-linear Bond-slip Law
GL Balázs
Studi e ricerche―Corso di perfezionamento per le costruzioni in cemento …, 1987
No mutations in the translated region of exon 1 in the TSH receptor in Graves' thyroid glands
MF Ahmad, V Stenszky, F Juhazs, G Balázs, NR Farid
Thyroid 4 (2), 151-153, 1994
Influence of load history on bond behaviour
G Balazs, R Koch
Proceedings: Bond in Concrete-From Research to Practice, Riga, Latvia …, 1992
Comparison of calcium and alfacalcidol supplement in the prevention of osteopenia after kidney transplantation
C Berczi, L Asztalos, Z Kincses, A Balogh, L Lőcsey, G Balazs, G Lukács
Osteoporosis international 14, 412-417, 2003
Comparative study of efficiency of nucleating agents in PA-6
I Mudra, G Balázs
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 52, 355-361, 1998
Acoustic emission monitoring on steel-concrete interaction
GL Balázs, C Grosse, R Koch, HW Reinhardt
Otto-Graf-Journal 4, 56-90, 1993
Technical guideline for recycled aggregate concrete in Hungary
GL Balázs, T Kausay, TK Simon
Concrete Structures, Annual Technical Journal 9, 45-55, 2008
Fib Bulletin 10, Bond of reinforcement in concrete
R Tepfers, Z Achillides, A Azizinamini, G Balázs, A Bigaj-van-Vliet, ...
Fib Bulletins 10, 2000
Verbund von stahl in beton unter betriebsbeanspruchung
GL Balázs, R Koch, W Harre
Deutscher ausschuss fr stahlbeton-30, Forschungskolloquium. Sttutgart, 1567-1590, 1994
Influence of preloading on bond strength and related slip
R Koch, G Balazs
Proceedings: Bond in Concrete-From Research to Practice, Riga, Latvia …, 1992
Bond behaviour under repeated loads
GL Balazs
Studi e ricerche―Corso di perfezionamento per le costruzioni in cemento …, 1986
Structural concrete: textbook on behaviour, design and performance. 1
GL Balázs
International Federation for Structural Concrete, 2009
Radiation-induced lung injury using a pig model: evaluation by high-resolution computed tomography
M Takahashi, G Balazs, Y Pipman, GW Moskowitz, CJ Palestro, ...
Investigative radiology 30 (2), 79-86, 1995
Inherited TOP2B mutation: Possible confirmation of mutational hotspots in the TOPRIM domain
M Erdős, Á Lányi, G Balázs, JL Casanova, B Boisson, L Maródi
Journal of clinical immunology 41, 817-819, 2021
Are fibers sensitive to mixing?
O Czoboly, GL Balázs
Structural Concrete 18 (1), 19-28, 2017
Unicentric mixed variant Castleman disease associated with intrabronchial plasmacytoma
N Eszes, L Tamási, A Csekeő, J Csomor, Á Szepesi, G Varga, G Balázs, ...
Diagnostic pathology 9, 1-6, 2014
Acceptance of stay cable systems using prestressing steels
Lausanne: Fédération Internationale du Béton, 2005
Bond and splitting in fibre reinforced concrete under repeated loading
G Plizzari, K Lundgren, G Balazs
Proceedings: Bond in Concrete-From Research to Standards, Budapest, Hungary …, 2002
Chloride ion binding capacity of tetracalcium aluminoferrite
J Csizmadia, G Balázs, FD Tamás
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 44 (2), 135-150, 2000
High performance fiber reinforced cement composites (HPFRCC 2)
F Tamás, GL Balázs
Cement and Concrete Research 27 (5), 801-802, 1997
CT analysis of core samples from fire-damaged concrete structures
É Lublóy, GL Balázs, K Kapitány, Á Barsi
Magazine of concrete research 69 (15), 802-810, 2017
Influence of FRC on bond characteristics of FRP reinforcement
S Sólyom, GL Balázs
11th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, 271-278, 2016
Bond behaviour of FRP rebars–parameter study
S Sólyom, GL Balázs, A Borosnyói
SMAR 2015eThird Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and …, 2015
Material characteristics and bond tests for FRP rebars
S Sólyom, GL Balázs, A Borosnyói
Concrete Structures 16, 38-44, 2015
Thermal insulation capacity of concretes by expanded polystyrene aggregate
É Lublóy, LG Balázs, K Kopecskó, E Tóth, L Dunai, P Hegyi, O Drávucz
The Fourth International FIB Congress, 750-751, 2014
Experimental pulmonary infarction in a pig model
Investigative radiology 27 (10), 829-835, 1992
Építőanyagok és kémia
G Balázs
Tankönyvkiadó, 1984
Toughness and stiffness of fibre reinforced concrete in terms of shear capacity
NS Alimrani, GL Balazs
Construction and Building Materials 389, 131711, 2023
Round robin test on the bond behaviour of externally bonded frp systems to concrete
M Guadagnini, A Serbescu, A Palmieri, S Matthys, A Bilotta, E Nigro, ...
6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE …, 2012
Differentiated thyroid carcinoma: prognostic factors
F Györy, G Lukacs, EV Nagy, F Juhász, E Mezösi, S Szakáll, J Máth, ...
Magyar Sebeszet 54 (2), 69-74, 2001
Effect of steel fibres on concrete at different temperatures in terms of shear failure
NS Alimrani, GL Balazs
Magazine of Concrete Research 73 (21), 1113-1124, 2021
Effect of SCMs on heat transfer properties of LWAC
Á Cseh, GL Balázs, M Kekanović, IM Miličić
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 144, 1095-1108, 2021
Effect of surface characteristics of FRP bars on bond behavior in concrete
S Sólyom, M Di Benedetti, GL Balázs
Aci Sp 327, 41.1-41.20, 2018
Chloride ion binding of cement clinkers and cements influenced by steam curing
K Kopecskó, G Balázs
Proceedings of the International fib Symposium on Structural Concrete and …, 2005
Natural killer activity in thyroid cancer patients.
P Boros, G Balazs, G Szegedi
Haematologia 20 (3), 189-193, 1987
Load bearing glasses
K Pankhardt
PQDT-Global, 2010
Prestressing with CFRP tendons
GL Balázs, A Borosnyói
High Performance Materials in Bridges, 349-358, 2003
Bond in Concrete
G Balazs, PJM Bartos, J Cairns, A Borosnyoi
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, 2002
Flow cytometric DNA analysis of benign hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands: significant difference in the S phase fraction and proliferative index between adenomas and hyperplasias
C Berczi, J Bocsi, G Balazs, G Lukacs
Pathology 34 (5), 442-445, 2002
Changes in the Epidemiology of Thyroid Diseases in Eastern Hungary 10 Years After Chernobyl
GL Lukacs, S Szakáll, I Kozma, F Györy, G Baläzs
Klinik und Forschung in der Chirurgie unter dem Aspekt von Effizienz und …, 1997
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