Krisztián Samu, PhD
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Cited by
Textiles screen‐printed with photochromic ethyl cellulose–spirooxazine composite nanoparticles
T Feczkó, K Samu, K Wenzel, B Neral, B Voncina
Coloration Technology 129 (1), 18-23, 2013
Measurement of color defective and normal color vision subjects´ color and luminance contrast threshold functions on CRT
K Wenzel, K Ladunga, K Samu
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering 45 (1), 103-108, 2001
Variability and systematic differences in normal, protan, and deutan color naming
BV Nagy, Z Németh, K Samu, G Ábrahám
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 1416, 2014
Complexity of postural sway affects affordance perception of reachability in virtual reality
H Masoner, A Hajnal, JD Clark, C Dowell, T Surber, A Funkhouser, ...
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 73 (12), 2362-2375, 2020
Complex postural sway is related to perception of stand-on-ability
A Hajnal, T Surber, T Overstreet, H Masoner, C Dowell, A Funkhouser, ...
Ecological Psychology 34 (1-2), 1-18, 2022
Pseudo-isochromatic plates to measure colour discrimination
K Wenzel, K Samu
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 9 (2), 185-195, 2012
Color and luminance contrast sensitivity function of people with anomalous color vision
K Samu, K Wenzel, K Ladunga
9th Congress of the International Colour Association 4421, 351-354, 2002
An enhanced evaluation method of sequential probability ratio test
G Gardonyi, G Por, K Samu
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019 (1), 4724507, 2019
Világosság-észlelet kompenzált színlátás-vizsgáló tesztek megvalósítása számítógéppel vezérelt CRT képernyőn
K Samu
Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, 2005
Automatized gamma-curve measurement of CRT computer monitors
K Samu
Proceedings of GÉPÉSZET, 817-821, 2002
Hybrid spectral speed determination method for rotary machines
G Gárdonyi, K Samu
Journal of Vibroengineering 21 (3), 538-555, 2019
Internet based light quality measurement
K Samu, B Thamó
DUPress, 2017
Presenting surface colors on computer controlled CRT displays
K Samu, K Wenzel
Facta universitatis-series: Electronics and Energetics 16 (2), 177-183, 2003
Metaheuristic of arbitrary luminous intensity distribution for roadway lighting luminaires
V Zseller, K Samu
International Journal of Simulation Modelling 22 (3), 369-380, 2023
Spectrum and Cepstrum Based Speed Determination of Stepper Motors
G Gárdonyi, S Krisztián
2018 IEEE 18th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference …, 2018
Relationship between meteorological factors and epileptic fits in a Jack Russell Terrier.
K Czeibert, Á Pintér, A Ivády, K Samu
Effect of the meteorological factors on the fits of an epileptic dog. Case report.
K Czeibert, Á Pintér, A Ivády, K Samu
Comparison of Vibration Spectra and Cepstra used for Determining the Rotational Speed of Rotary Machines
G Gárdonyi, K Samu
Proceedings of CERIS 14, 2014
Measuring Colour Resolution of the Eye by Using Colour Monitor
K Wenzel, K Ladunga, G Abraham, G Kovacs, I Kucsera, K Samu
Colour, 2000
Distance influences affordance perception of standonability in virtual reality
T Surber, A Hajnal, K Samu, T Overstreet, A Funkhouser, G Legradi
Journal of Vision 21 (9), 1879-1879, 2021
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Articles 1–20