Janelle Braithwaite
Janelle Braithwaite
Centre for Marine Futures, Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia
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Cited by
Optimal migration energetics of humpback whales and the implications of disturbance
JE Braithwaite, JJ Meeuwig, MR Hipsey
Conservation Physiology 3 (1), cov001, 2015
Situation awareness measures for simulated submarine track management
S Loft, V Bowden, J Braithwaite, DB Morrell, S Huf, FT Durso
Human factors 57 (2), 298-310, 2015
From sea ice to blubber: linking whale condition to krill abundance using historical whaling records
JE Braithwaite, JJ Meeuwig, TB Letessier, KCS Jenner, AS Brierley
Polar Biology 38, 1195-1202, 2015
Estimating cetacean carrying capacity based on spacing behaviour
JE Braithwaite, JJ Meeuwig, KCS Jenner
PLoS One 7 (12), e51347, 2012
The chronic detrimental impact of interruptions in a simulated submarine track management task
S Loft, A Sadler, J Braithwaite, S Huf
Human factors 57 (8), 1417-1426, 2015
Integrated modelling of seabird‐habitat associations from multi‐platform data: A review
J Matthiopoulos, E Wakefield, JWE Jeglinski, RW Furness, M Trinder, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (4), 909-920, 2022
The impact of uncertain contact location on situation awareness and performance in simulated submarine track management
S Loft, DB Morrell, K Ponton, J Braithwaite, V Bowden, S Huf
Human Factors 58 (7), 1052-1068, 2016
Assessing population-level effects of anthropogenic disturbance on a marine mammal population
RA Dunlop, J Braithwaite, LO Mortensen, CM Harris
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 624981, 2021
Potential climate-driven changes to seabird demography: implications for assessments of marine renewable energy development
KR Searle, A Butler, JJ Waggitt, PGH Evans, LR Quinn, MI Bogdanova, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 690, 185-200, 2022
Static and adaptable automation in simulated submarine track management
S Chen, S Loft, S Huf, J Braithwaite, T Visser
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Conservation requirements of a threatened migratory species: the importance of habitat and energetics ti humpback whales
J Braithwaite
Identifying key knowledge gaps around marine birds and marine renewables in Scotland via ScotMER
T Evans, J Braithwaite, J Wilson
ScotMER Ornithology research–improving knowledge of the potential impacts of marine renewables on seabirds
T Evans, J Braithwaite, J Wilson
Situation Awareness Measurement in Simulated Submarine Track Management
S Loft, V Bowden, J Braithwaite, D Morrell, F Durso
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Articles 1–14