Thomas Schroeder
Thomas Schroeder
Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ); Professor in Physics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
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Vibrational spectra of alumina-and silica-supported vanadia revisited: An experimental and theoretical model catalyst study
N Magg, B Immaraporn, JB Giorgi, T Schroeder, M Bäumer, J Döbler, ...
Journal of Catalysis 226 (1), 88-100, 2004
Impact of Temperature on the Resistive Switching Behavior of Embedded -Based RRAM Devices
C Walczyk, D Walczyk, T Schroeder, T Bertaud, M Sowinska, M Lukosius, ...
IEEE transactions on electron devices 58 (9), 3124-3131, 2011
Ultra‐sensitive graphene‐plasmonic hybrid platform for label‐free detection
P Wang, O Liang, W Zhang, T Schroeder, YH Xie
Advanced Materials 25 (35), 4918-4924, 2013
Model for the Resistive Switching Effect in MIM Structures Based on the Transmission Properties of Narrow Constrictions
EA Miranda, C Walczyk, C Wenger, T Schroeder
IEEE Electron Device Letters 31 (6), 609-611, 2010
Towards forming-free resistive switching in oxygen engineered HfO2− x
SU Sharath, T Bertaud, J Kurian, E Hildebrandt, C Walczyk, P Calka, ...
Applied physics letters 104 (6), 2014
Label-free SERS selective detection of dopamine and serotonin using graphene-Au nanopyramid heterostructure
P Wang, M Xia, O Liang, K Sun, AF Cipriano, T Schroeder, H Liu, YH Xie
Analytical chemistry 87 (20), 10255-10261, 2015
T Schroeder, M Adelt, B Richter, M Naschitzki, M Bäumer, HJ Freund
Surface Review and Letters 7 (01n02), 7-14, 2000
Tunable Schottky barrier and high responsivity in graphene/Si-nanotip optoelectronic device
A Di Bartolomeo, F Giubileo, G Luongo, L Iemmo, N Martucciello, G Niu, ...
2D Materials 4 (1), 015024, 2016
Hybrid graphene/silicon Schottky photodiode with intrinsic gating effect
A Di Bartolomeo, G Luongo, F Giubileo, N Funicello, G Niu, T Schroeder, ...
2D Materials 4 (2), 025075, 2017
Pulse-induced low-power resistive switching in HfO2 metal-insulator-metal diodes for nonvolatile memory applications
C Walczyk, C Wenger, R Sohal, M Lukosius, A Fox, J Dąbrowski, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (11), 2009
Formation of a faceted MoO2 epilayer on Mo (1 1 2) studied by XPS, UPS and STM
T Schroeder, J Zegenhagen, N Magg, B Immaraporn, HJ Freund
Surface science 552 (1-3), 85-97, 2004
Imaging of strain and lattice orientation by quick scanning X-ray microscopy combined with three-dimensional reciprocal space mapping
GA Chahine, MI Richard, RA Homs-Regojo, TN Tran-Caliste, D Carbone, ...
Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (2), 762-769, 2014
Study of CO adsorption on crystalline-silica-supported palladium particles
JB Giorgi, T Schroeder, M Bäumer, HJ Freund
Surface science 498 (1-2), L71-L77, 2002
Tensile Ge microstructures for lasing fabricated by means of a silicon complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process
G Capellini, C Reich, S Guha, Y Yamamoto, M Lisker, M Virgilio, A Ghrib, ...
Optics express 22 (1), 399-410, 2014
Control of Switching Modes and Conductance Quantization in Oxygen Engineered HfOx based Memristive Devices
SU Sharath, S Vogel, L Molina‐Luna, E Hildebrandt, C Wenger, J Kurian, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (32), 1700432, 2017
Field emission from single and few-layer graphene flakes
S Santandrea, F Giubileo, V Grossi, S Santucci, M Passacantando, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (16), 2011
Model catalyst studies on vanadia particles deposited onto a thin-film alumina support. 1. Structural characterization
N Magg, JB Giorgi, T Schroeder, M Bäumer, HJ Freund
The journal of physical chemistry b 106 (34), 8756-8761, 2002
Strain analysis in SiN/Ge microstructures obtained via Si-complementary metal oxide semiconductor compatible approach
G Capellini, G Kozlowski, Y Yamamoto, M Lisker, C Wenger, G Niu, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (1), 2013
Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the electroforming in Ti/HfO2-based resistive switching structures
M Sowinska, T Bertaud, D Walczyk, S Thiess, MA Schubert, M Lukosius, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (23), 2012
Graphene field effect transistors with niobium contacts and asymmetric transfer characteristics
A Di Bartolomeo, F Giubileo, F Romeo, P Sabatino, G Carapella, L Iemmo, ...
Nanotechnology 26 (47), 475202, 2015
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