Zulay Lugo
Zulay Lugo
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Medicina
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An independent SSVEP-based brain–computer interface in locked-in syndrome
D Lesenfants, D Habbal, Z Lugo, M Lebeau, P Horki, E Amico, C Pokorny, ...
Journal of neural engineering 11 (3), 035002, 2014
Electrophysiological investigations of brain function in coma, vegetative and minimally conscious patients.
R Lehembre, O Gosseries, Z Lugo, Z Jedidi, C Chatelle, B Sadzot, ...
Archives italiennes de biologie 150 (2-3), 2012
A vibrotactile p300-based brain–computer interface for consciousness detection and communication
ZR Lugo, J Rodriguez, A Lechner, R Ortner, IS Gantner, S Laureys, ...
Clinical EEG and neuroscience 45 (1), 14-21, 2014
Automated analysis of background EEG and reactivity during therapeutic hypothermia in comatose patients after cardiac arrest
Q Noirhomme, R Lehembre, ZR Lugo, D Lesenfants, A Luxen, S Laureys, ...
Clinical EEG and neuroscience 45 (1), 6-13, 2014
Effect of zolpidem in chronic disorders of consciousness: a prospective open-label study
M Thonnard, O Gosseries, A Demertzi, Z Lugo, A Vanhaudenhuyse, ...
Functional Neurology 28 (4), 259, 2013
Beyond the gaze: communicating in chronic locked-in syndrome
ZR Lugo, MA Bruno, O Gosseries, A Demertzi, L Heine, M Thonnard, ...
Brain injury 29 (9), 1056-1061, 2015
Near-Death Experiences in patients with locked-in syndrome: Not always a blissful journey
V Charland-Verville, Z Lugo, JP Jourdan, AF Donneau, S Laureys
Consciousness and cognition 34, 28-32, 2015
Cognitive processing in non-communicative patients: what can event-related potentials tell us?
ZR Lugo, LR Quitadamo, L Bianchi, F Pellas, S Veser, D Lesenfants, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 569, 2016
Mental imagery for brain-computer interface control and communication in non-responsive individuals
ZR Lugo, C Pokorny, F Pellas, Q Noirhomme, S Laureys, G Müller-Putz, ...
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine 63 (1), 21-27, 2020
A tactile brain-computer interface for severely disabled patients
R Ortner, Z Lugo, Q Noirhomme, S Laureys, C Guger
2014 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 235-237, 2014
Performance differences using a vibro-tactile P300 BCI in LIS-patients diagnosed with stroke and ALS
A Heilinger, R Ortner, V La Bella, ZR Lugo, C Chatelle, S Laureys, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 514, 2018
Brain-computer interfaces for assessment and communication in disorders of consciousness
C Guger, B Sorger, Q Noirhomme, L Naci, MM Monti, R Real, C Pokorny, ...
Emerging theory and practice in neuroprosthetics, 181-214, 2014
Assessment of needs, psychological impact and quality of life in families of patients with locked-in syndrome
Z Lugo, F Pellas, V Blandin, S Laureys, O Gosseries
Brain Injury 31 (12), 1590-1596, 2017
Performance of a tactile P300 speller for healthy people and severely disabled patients
R Ortner, Z Lugo, R Prückl, C Hintermüller, Q Noirhomme, C Guger
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
Standard tone stability as a manipulation of precision in the oddball paradigm: modulation of prediction error responses to fixed-probability deviants
I SanMiguel, J Costa-Faidella, ZR Lugo, E Vilella, C Escera
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15, 734200, 2021
Detecting consciousness with a brain-computer interface
Q Noirhomme, D Lesenfants, R Lehembre, Z Lugo, C Chatelle, ...
Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation, 1261-1264, 2013
A BCI-based tool for detection of awareness and for communication with non-responsive patients
R Ortner, A Espinosa, J Rodriguez, S Laureys, ZR Lugo, C Guger, ...
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design and Development …, 2014
Role of active ERP paradigms in awareness detection in non responsive patients
Z Lugo, D Lesenfants, R Lehembre, S Laureys, Q Noirhomme
First International DECODER Workshop, 2012
Pesquisa de trastornos psiquiátricos en diabéticos con insulinoterapia: Programa" Beca de Insulina". Hospital Vargas
Z Lugo Ramírez, A González Romero, L Chacín Alvarez, S Mata Essayag, ...
Arch. Hosp. Vargas, 121-5, 1996
Brain-Computer Interface: A Communication Aid?
C Chatelle, Z Lugo, Q Noirhomme, B Sorger, D Lulé
Coma and Disorders of Consciousness, 67-78, 2012
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Articles 1–20