Prashant Khare
Cited by
Cited by
Co-spread of misinformation and fact-checking content during the Covid-19 pandemic
G Burel, T Farrell, M Mensio, P Khare, H Alani
Social Informatics: 12th International Conference, SocInfo 2020, Pisa, Italy …, 2020
Cross-lingual classification of crisis data
P Khare, G Burel, D Maynard, H Alani
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2018
Characterising the IETF through the lens of RFC deployment
S McQuistin, M Karan, P Khare, C Perkins, G Tyson, M Purver, P Healey, ...
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 137-149, 2021
Classifying crises-information relevancy with semantics
P Khare, G Burel, H Alani
The Semantic Web: 15th International Conference, ESWC 2018, Heraklion, Crete …, 2018
Statistical semantic classification of crisis information
P Khare, M Fernandez, H Alani
What just happened? A framework for social event detection and contextualisation
P Khare, P Torres, BR Heravi
2015 48th hawaii international conference on system sciences, 1565-1574, 2015
The web we weave: Untangling the social graph of the IETF
P Khare, M Karan, S McQuistin, C Perkins, G Tyson, M Purver, P Healey, ...
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 16 …, 2022
Where is the news breaking? Towards a location-based event detection framework for journalists
BR Heravi, D Morrison, P Khare, S Marchand-Maillet
MultiMedia Modeling: 20th Anniversary International Conference, MMM 2014 …, 2014
Towards social event detection and contextualisation for journalists
P Khare, B Heravi
Proceedings of the First AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text, 54-59, 2014
Mitigating topic bias when detecting decisions in dialogue
M Karan, P Khare, P Healey, M Purver
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on …, 2021
Relevancy identification across languages and crisis types
P Khare, G Burel, H Alani
IEEE Intelligent Systems 34 (3), 19-28, 2019
Tracing linguistic markers of influence in a large online organisation
P Khare, R Shekhar, M Karan, S McQuistin, C Perkins, I Castro, G Tyson, ...
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2023
Identifying and Processing Crisis Information from Social Media
P Khare
PQDT-Global, 2020
LEDA: a Large-Organization Email-Based Decision-Dialogue-Act Analysis Dataset
M Karan, P Khare, R Shekhar, S McQuistin, C Perkins, I Castro, G Tyson, ...
Linked Open Data Validity--A Technical Report from ISWS 2018
M Alam, TA Ghorfi, E Agrawal, O Alqawasmeh, A Annane, C d'Amato, ...
Linked Open Data Validity--A Technical Report from ISWS 2018
TA Ghor, E Agrawal, M Alam, O Alqawasmeh, C D'amato, A Annane, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.12554, 2019
Power and vulnerability: managing sensitive language in organizational communication
PGT Healey, P Khare, I Castro, G Tyson, M Karan, R Shekhar, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1266425, 2024
Errare humanum est: What do RFC Errata say about Internet Standards?
S McQuistin, M Karan, P Khare, C Perkins, M Purver, P Healey, I Castro, ...
2023 7th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), 1-9, 2023
Linked Open Data Validity--A Technical Report from ISWS 2018
T Abderrahmani Ghor, E Agrawal, M Alam, O Alqawasmeh, C D'amato, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1903.12554, 2019
What just happened? A Framework for Social Event Detection
P Khare, P Torres, BR Heravi
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Articles 1–20