Anthony C Breu
Anthony C Breu
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
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Culture if spikes? Indications and yield of blood cultures in hospitalized medical patients
K Linsenmeyer, K Gupta, JM Strymish, M Dhanani, SM Brecher, AC Breu
Journal of hospital medicine 11 (5), 336-340, 2016
From tweetstorm to tweetorials: threaded tweets as a tool for medical education and knowledge dissemination
AC Breu
Seminars in nephrology 40 (3), 273-278, 2020
Why is a cow? Curiosity, tweetorials, and the return to why
AC Breu
New England Journal of Medicine 381 (12), 1097-1098, 2019
Preferences for resuscitation and intubation among patients with do-not-resuscitate/do-not-intubate orders
JE Jesus, MB Allen, GE Michael, MW Donnino, SA Grossman, CP Hale, ...
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 88 (7), 658-665, 2013
A multicenter study into causes of severe acute liver injury
AC Breu, VR Patwardhan, J Nayor, JN Ringwala, ZG Devore, RB Ganatra, ...
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 17 (6), 1201-1203, 2019
Low yield of outpatient serum folate testing: eleven years of experience
J Theisen-Toupal, G Horowitz, A Breu
JAMA internal medicine 174 (10), 1696-1697, 2014
Diagnostic yield of head computed tomography for the hospitalized medical patient with delirium
J Theisen‐Toupal, AC Breu, MLP Mattison, R Arnaout
Journal of Hospital Medicine 9 (8), 497-501, 2014
Utility, charge, and cost of inpatient and emergency department serum folate testing
J Theisen‐Toupal, GL Horowitz, AC Breu
Journal of hospital medicine 8 (2), 91-95, 2013
Differentiating DNI from DNR: combating code status conflation
AC Breu, SJ Herzig
Journal of hospital medicine 9 (10), 669-670, 2014
Acute treatment of hypertensive urgency
AC Breu, RN Axon
Journal of Hospital Medicine 13 (12), 860-862, 2018
Your@ Attending will# Tweet you now: Using Twitter in medical education
RC Jaffe, AY O’Glasser, M Brooks, M Chapman, AC Breu, CM Wray
Intern Med 30, 1673-1680, 2015
Serum and red blood cell folate testing on hospitalized patients
AC Breu, J Theisen‐Toupal, LS Feldman
Journal of hospital medicine 10 (11), 753-755, 2015
Tweetorials: Digital scholarship deserving of inclusion in promotion portfolios
AC Breu, AZ Cooper
Medical Teacher 44 (4), 450-452, 2022
Tweetorials for medical educators
AC Breu, HR Abrams, KD Manning, AZ Cooper
Journal of graduate medical education 13 (5), 723-725, 2021
Hospitalist and primary care physician perspectives on medication management of chronic conditions for hospitalized patients
AC Breu, J Allen‐Dicker, S Mueller, K Palamara, K Hinami, SJ Herzig
Journal of Hospital Medicine 9 (5), 303-309, 2014
# LiverTwitter: an emerging tool for liver education and research
AE Mikolajczyk, N Ufere, AC Breu, ND Parikh, G Garcia‐Tsao, EB Tapper
Hepatology Communications 4 (8), 1229-1233, 2020
The 60-minute root cause analysis: a workshop to engage interdisciplinary clinicians in quality improvement
L Swamy, C Worsham, MJ Bialas, C Wertz, D Thornton, A Breu, M Ronan
MedEdPORTAL 14, 10685, 2018
Standardized reporting of gastroenterology-related social media scholarship for career advancement
M Bilal, ES Aby, S Mahmood, AL Chiang, AC Breu, A Charabaty
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology 18 (8), 519-520, 2021
Should you treat this acutely ill medical inpatient with venous thromboembolism chemoprophylaxis? Grand rounds discussion from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Z Kanjee, KA Bauer, AC Breu, R Burns
Annals of Internal Medicine 172 (7), 484-491, 2020
Clinician-patient discussions of successful CPR—The vegetable clause
AC Breu
JAMA Internal Medicine 178 (10), 1299-1300, 2018
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Articles 1–20