János Józsa
János Józsa
Rector, Professor, Head of Department, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
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Water balance analysis for the Tonle Sap Lake–floodplain system
M Kummu, S Tes, S Yin, P Adamson, J Józsa, J Koponen, J Richey, ...
Hydrological Processes 28 (4), 1722-1733, 2014
New findings about the complementary relationship-based evaporation estimation methods
J Szilagyi, J Jozsa
Journal of Hydrology 354 (1-4), 171-186, 2008
Mapping mean annual groundwater recharge in the Nebraska Sand Hills, USA
J Szilagyi, VA Zlotnik, JB Gates, J Jozsa
Influence of secondary settling tank performance on suspended solids mass balance in activated sludge systems
M Patziger, H Kainz, M Hunze, J Józsa
Water research 46 (7), 2415-2424, 2012
Flow analysis of a river confluence with field measurements and RANS model with nested grid approach
S Baranya, NRB Olsen, J Józsa
River research and applications 31 (1), 28-41, 2015
Adaptive quadtree model of shallow-flow hydrodynamics
AGL Borthwick, S Cruz León, J Jozsa
Journal of Hydraulic Research 39 (4), 413-424, 2001
MODIS‐aided statewide net groundwater‐recharge estimation in Nebraska
J Szilagyi, J Jozsa
Groundwater 51 (5), 735-744, 2013
Net recharge vs. depth to groundwater relationship in the Platte River Valley of Nebraska, United States
J Szilagyi, VA Zlotnik, J Jozsa
Groundwater 51 (6), 945-951, 2013
Estimation of suspended sediment concentrations with ADCP in Danube River
S Baranya, J Józsa
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 61 (3), 232-240, 2013
The shallow flow equations solved on adaptive quadtree grids
AGL Borthwick, S Cruz Leon, J Józsa
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 37 (6), 691-719, 2001
Solution-adaptivity in modelling complex shallow flows
T Krámer, J Józsa
Computers & Fluids 36 (3), 562-577, 2007
Benchmarking large-scale evapotranspiration estimates: A perspective from a calibration-free complementary relationship approach and FLUXCOM
N Ma, J Szilagyi, J Jozsa
Journal of Hydrology 590, 125221, 2020
Modified advection-aridity model of evapotranspiration
J Szilagyi, MT Hobbins, J Jozsa
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 14 (6), 569-574, 2009
Particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) and its application to analyse free surface flows in laboratory scale models
B Sokoray-Varga, J Józsa
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 52 (2), 63-71, 2008
Numerical simulation of internal boundary-layer development and comparison with atmospheric data
J Józsa, B Milici, E Napoli
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 123, 159-175, 2007
Remote-sensing based groundwater recharge estimates in the Danube-Tisza sand plateau region of Hungary
J Szilágyi, Á Kovács, J Józsa
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 60 (1), 64-72, 2012
Investigation of the effects of ship induced waves on the littoral zone with field measurements and CFD modeling
G Fleit, S Baranya, N Rüther, H Bihs, T Krámer, J Józsa
Water 8 (7), 300, 2016
A calibration-free evapotranspiration mapping (CREMAP) technique
J Szilágyi, A Kovacs, J Jozsa
Evapotranspiration, 2011
Mixing properties of a shallow basin due to wind-induced chaotic flow
M Pattantyús-Ábrahám, T Tél, T Krámer, J Józsa
Advances in Water Resources 31 (3), 525-534, 2008
Finite-size Lyapunov exponents: A new tool for lake dynamics
G Károlyi, M Pattantyús-Ábrahám, T Krámer, J Józsa, T Tél
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering and …, 2010
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Articles 1–20