Arthur F. Voter
Arthur F. Voter
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Structural stability and lattice defects in copper: Ab initio, tight-binding, and embedded-atom calculations
Y Mishin, MJ Mehl, DA Papaconstantopoulos, AF Voter, JD Kress
Physical Review B 63 (22), 224106, 2001
Hyperdynamics: Accelerated molecular dynamics of infrequent events
AF Voter
Physical Review Letters 78 (20), 3908, 1997
Efficient annealing of radiation damage near grain boundaries via interstitial emission
XM Bai, AF Voter, RG Hoagland, M Nastasi, BP Uberuaga
Science 327 (5973), 1631-1634, 2010
Introduction to the kinetic Monte Carlo method
AF Voter
Radiation effects in solids, 1-23, 2007
Accurate interatomic potentials for Ni, Al and Ni3Al
AF Voter, SP Chen
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 82, 175, 1986
Temperature-accelerated dynamics for simulation of infrequent events
AF Voter
The Journal of Chemical Physics 112 (21), 9599-9606, 2000
Extending the time scale in atomistic simulation of materials
AF Voter, F Montalenti, TC Germann
Annual review of materials research 32 (1), 321-346, 2002
A method for accelerating the molecular dynamics simulation of infrequent events
AF Voter
The Journal of chemical physics 106 (11), 4665-4677, 1997
Parallel replica method for dynamics of infrequent events
AF Voter
Physical Review B 57 (22), R13985, 1998
Classically exact overlayer dynamics: Diffusion of rhodium clusters on Rh (100)
AF Voter
Physical review B 34 (10), 6819, 1986
EAM study of surface self-diffusion of single adatoms of fcc metals Ni, Cu, Al, Ag, Au, Pd, and Pt
CL Liu, JM Cohen, JB Adams, AF Voter
Surface science 253 (1-3), 334-344, 1991
Dynamical corrections to transition state theory for multistate systems: Surface self‐diffusion in the rare‐event regime
AF Voter, JD Doll
The Journal of chemical physics 82 (1), 80-92, 1985
Diffusion mechanisms in Cu grain boundaries
MR Sørensen, Y Mishin, AF Voter
Physical Review B 62 (6), 3658, 2000
Synchronization of trajectories in canonical molecular-dynamics simulations: Observation, explanation, and exploitation
BP Uberuaga, M Anghel, AF Voter
The Journal of chemical physics 120 (14), 6363-6374, 2004
Computer simulation on surfaces and [001] symmetric tilt grain boundaries in Ni, Al, and Ni3Al
SP Chen, DJ Srolovitz, AF Voter
Journal of Materials Research 4 (1), 62-77, 1989
Bad seeds sprout perilous dynamics: Stochastic thermostat induced trajectory synchronization in biomolecules
DJ Sindhikara, S Kim, AF Voter, AE Roitberg
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 5 (6), 1624-1631, 2009
Highly optimized empirical potential model of silicon
TJ Lenosky, B Sadigh, E Alonso, VV Bulatov, TD de la Rubia, J Kim, ...
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 8 (6), 825, 2000
Kernel polynomial approximations for densities of states and spectral functions
RN Silver, H Roeder, AF Voter, JD Kress
Journal of Computational Physics 124 (1), 115-130, 1996
The relationship between grain boundary structure, defect mobility and grain boundary sink efficiency
BP Uberuaga, LJ Vernon, E Martinez, AF Voter
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9095, 2015
Thermostatted molecular dynamics: How to avoid the Toda demon hidden in Nosé-Hoover dynamics
BL Holian, AF Voter, R Ravelo
Physical Review E 52 (3), 2338, 1995
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