Automatic Pixel‐Level Crack Detection and Measurement Using Fully Convolutional Network X Yang, H Li, Y Yu, X Luo, T Huang, X Yang Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 8 (10.1111/mice.12412), 1-16, 2018 | 792 | 2018 |
Quantifying the causes and costs of rework in construction PED Love, H Li Construction management & economics 18 (4), 479-490, 2000 | 734 | 2000 |
Application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in multi-criteria analysis of the selection of intelligent building systems JKW Wong, H Li Building and Environment 43 (1), 108-125, 2008 | 609 | 2008 |
Intelligent building research: a review JKW Wong, H Li, SW Wang Automation in construction 14 (1), 143-159, 2005 | 591 | 2005 |
Detecting non-hardhat-use by a deep learning method from far-field surveillance videos Q Fang, H Li, X Luo, L Ding, H Luo, TM Rose, W An Automation in Construction 85, 1-9, 2018 | 563 | 2018 |
Using systems dynamics to better understand change and rework in construction project management systems PED Love, GD Holt, LY Shen, H Li, Z Irani International journal of project management 20 (6), 425-436, 2002 | 542 | 2002 |
Proactive behavior-based safety management for construction safety improvement H Li, M Lu, SC Hsu, M Gray, T Huang Safety Science 75, 107-117, 2015 | 494 | 2015 |
Construction partnering process and associated critical success factors: quantitative investigation EWL Cheng, H Li Journal of management in engineering 18 (4), 194-202, 2002 | 487 | 2002 |
Contractor selection using the analytic network process EWL Cheng, H Li Construction Management and Economics 22 (10), 1021-1032, 2004 | 442 | 2004 |
Analytic hierarchy process: an approach to determine measures for business performance EWL Cheng, H Li Measuring business excellence, 2001 | 425 | 2001 |
Establishment of critical success factors for construction partnering EWL Cheng, H Li, PED Love Journal of management in engineering 16 (2), 84-92, 2000 | 397 | 2000 |
Scenarios for applying RFID technology in construction project management W Lu, GQ Huang, H Li Automation in construction 20 (2), 101-106, 2011 | 350 | 2011 |
Determining the causal structure of rework influences in construction PED Love, P Mandal, H Li Construction Management & Economics 17 (4), 505-517, 1999 | 342 | 1999 |
Practices and effectiveness of building information modelling in construction projects in China D Cao, G Wang, H Li, M Skitmore, T Huang, W Zhang Automation in Construction 49, 113-122, 2015 | 341 | 2015 |
Wearable IMU-based real-time motion warning system for construction workers' musculoskeletal disorders prevention X Yan, H Li, AR Li, H Zhang Automation in construction 74, 2-11, 2017 | 340 | 2017 |
Triangulation in construction management research PED Love, GD Holt, H Li Engineering, construction and architectural management 9 (4), 294-303, 2002 | 336 | 2002 |
Illustrative benchmarking rework and rework costs in Swedish construction industry PE Josephson, B Larsson, H Li Journal of management in engineering 18 (2), 76-83, 2002 | 333 | 2002 |
An application of bar-code system for reducing construction wastes Z Chen, H Li, CTC Wong Automation in construction 11 (5), 521-533, 2002 | 321 | 2002 |
Total quality management and the learning organization: a dialogue for change in construction. PED Love, H Li, F Irani, Z Total quality management and the learning organization: a dialogue for …, 2000 | 320 | 2000 |
Collaboration barriers in BIM-based construction networks: A conceptual model M Oraee, RM Hosseini, DJ Edwards, H Li, E Papadonikolaki,, D Cao International Journal of Project Management 37 (6), 839-854, 2019 | 315 | 2019 |