Michael Mampaey
Michael Mampaey
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Tell me what i need to know: succinctly summarizing data with itemsets
M Mampaey, N Tatti, J Vreeken
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2011
Summarizing data succinctly with the most informative itemsets
M Mampaey, J Vreeken, N Tatti
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 6 (4), 1-42, 2012
One click mining: Interactive local pattern discovery through implicit preference and performance learning
M Boley, M Mampaey, B Kang, P Tokmakov, S Wrobel
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD workshop on interactive data exploration and …, 2013
Mining interesting sets and rules in relational databases
B Goethals, W Le Page, M Mampaey
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 997-1001, 2010
Summarizing categorical data by clustering attributes
M Mampaey, J Vreeken
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 26, 130-173, 2013
Efficient algorithms for finding richer subgroup descriptions in numeric and nominal data
M Mampaey, S Nijssen, A Feelders, A Knobbe
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining, 499-508, 2012
Mining itemsets in the presence of missing values
T Calders, B Goethals, M Mampaey
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 404-408, 2007
Using background knowledge to rank itemsets
N Tatti, M Mampaey
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 21, 293-309, 2010
Efficient algorithms for finding optimal binary features in numeric and nominal labeled data
M Mampaey, S Nijssen, A Feelders, R Konijn, A Knobbe
Knowledge and Information Systems 42, 465-492, 2015
Where do i start? algorithmic strategies to guide intelligence analysts
H Wu, M Mampaey, N Tatti, J Vreeken, MS Hossain, N Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Intelligence and Security …, 2012
Summarising data by clustering items
M Mampaey, J Vreeken
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2010
Mining non-redundant information-theoretic dependencies between itemsets
M Mampaey
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 130-141, 2010
Association rule mining met missing values
M Mampaey
Master Thesis, University of Antwerpe, Belgium, 2006
Summarizing Data with Informative Patterns
M Mampaey
Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium), 2011
One Click Mining
M Boley, M Mampaey, P Tokmakov, B Kang, S Wrobel
Data Summarization with Informative Itemsets
M Mampaey, N Tatti, J Vreeken
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Articles 1–16