Matthew Rhudy
Matthew Rhudy
Associate Professor, Penn State Berks
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A Kalman filtering tutorial for undergraduate students
MB Rhudy, RA Salguero, K Holappa
International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey 8 (1), 1-9, 2017
Flight-Test Evaluation of Sensor Fusion Algorithms for Attitude Estimation
MRN Jason N. Gross, Yu Gu, Matthew B. Rhudy, Srikanth
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (3), 12, 2012
Robust UAV relative navigation with DGPS, INS, and peer-to-peer radio ranging
JN Gross, Y Gu, MB Rhudy
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 12 (3), 935-944, 2015
Understanding Nonlinear Kalman Filters, Part II: An Implementation Guide
M Rhudy, Y Gu
Interactive Robotics Letters, 2013
UAV attitude, heading, and wind estimation using GPS/INS and an air data system
MB Rhudy, T Larrabee, H Chao, Y Gu, M Napolitano
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) conference, 5201, 2013
Evaluation of matrix square root operations for UKF within a UAV GPS/INS sensor fusion application
M Rhudy, Y Gu, J Gross, MR Napolitano
International Journal of Navigation and Observation 2011 (1), 416828, 2011
Onboard wind velocity estimation comparison for unmanned aircraft systems
MB Rhudy, Y Gu, JN Gross, H Chao
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 53 (1), 55-66, 2017
Aircraft model-independent airspeed estimation without pitot tube measurements
MB Rhudy, ML Fravolini, Y Gu, MR Napolitano, S Gururajan, H Chao
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51 (3), 1980-1995, 2015
Fuzzy adaptive attitude estimation for a fixed-wing UAV with a virtual SSA sensor during a GPS outage
W Youn, MB Rhudy, A Cho, H Myung
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (3), 1456-1472, 2019
Microphone array analysis methods using cross-correlations
M Rhudy, B Bucci, J Vipperman, J Allanach, B Abraham
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 43888, 281-288, 2009
Tracking steps on apple watch at different walking speeds
P Veerabhadrappa, MD Moran, MD Renninger, MB Rhudy, SB Dreisbach, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 33, 795-796, 2018
Wind sensing and estimation using small fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles: A survey
P Tian, H Chao, M Rhudy, J Gross, H Wu
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 18 (3), 132-143, 2021
Cut points of the Actigraph GT9X for moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity at four different wear locations
MB Rhudy, SB Dreisbach, MD Moran, MJ Ruggiero, P Veerabhadrappa
Journal of Sports Sciences 38 (5), 503-510, 2020
Fusion of GPS and Redundant IMU Data for Attitude Estimation
MRN Matthew Rhudy, Jason Gross, Yu Gu
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 1-13, 2012
Time alignment techniques for experimental sensor data
M Rhudy
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng. Surv 5 (2), 1-14, 2014
Online stochastic convergence analysis of the Kalman filter
MB Rhudy, Y Gu
International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 2013 (1), 240295, 2013
Accelerometer fault-tolerant model-aided state estimation for high-altitude long-endurance UAV
W Youn, H Choi, A Cho, S Kim, MB Rhudy
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (10), 8539-8553, 2020
Sensitivity Analysis of Extended and Unscented Kalman Filters for Attitude Estimation
M Rhudy, Y Gu, J Gross, S Gururajan, MR Napolitano
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 10 (3), 131-143, 2013
Wind field estimation in UAV formation flight
T Larrabee, H Chao, M Rhudy, Y Gu, MR Napolitano
2014 American Control Conference, 5408-5413, 2014
An analytical approach for comparing linearization methods in EKF and UKF
M Rhudy, Y Gu, MR Napolitano
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10 (4), 208, 2013
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Articles 1–20