Louis Ranjard
Louis Ranjard
LanzaTech, Inc.
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Cited by
Contemporary and historical separation of transequatorial migration between genetically distinct seabird populations
MJ Rayner, ME Hauber, TE Steeves, HA Lawrence, DR Thompson, ...
Nature Communications 2 (1), 332, 2011
Loss of vocal culture and fitness costs in a critically endangered songbird
R Crates, N Langmore, L Ranjard, D Stojanovic, L Rayner, D Ingwersen, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1947), 20210225, 2021
Multi-locus DNA metabarcoding of zooplankton communities and scat reveal trophic interactions of a generalist predator
EL Carroll, R Gallego, MA Sewell, J Zeldis, L Ranjard, HA Ross, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 281, 2019
Unsupervised bird song syllable classification using evolving neural networks
L Ranjard, HA Ross
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (6), 4358-4368, 2008
Bioacoustic distances between the begging calls of brood parasites and their host species: a comparison of metrics and techniques
L Ranjard, MG Anderson, MJ Rayner, RB Payne, I McLean, JV Briskie, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 1915-1926, 2010
Niche partitioning by three Pterodroma petrel species during non-breeding in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
MJ Rayner, N Carlile, D Priddel, V Bretagnolle, MGR Miller, RA Phillips, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 549, 217-229, 2016
A hidden Markov model approach to indicate Bryde’s whale acoustics
RL Putland, L Ranjard, R Constantine, CA Radford
Ecological Indicators 84, 479-487, 2017
Cell cycle gene networks are associated with melanoma prognosis
L Wang, DG Hurley, W Watkins, H Araki, Y Tamada, A Muthukaruppan, ...
PloS one 7 (4), e34247, 2012
Comparative seabird diving physiology: first measures of haematological parameters and oxygen stores in three New Zealand Procellariiformes
BJ Dunphy, GA Taylor, TJ Landers, RL Sagar, BL Chilvers, L Ranjard, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 523, 187-198, 2015
Analyses of sex and individual differences in vocalizations of Australasian gannets using a dynamic time warping algorithm
CR Krull, L Ranjard, TJ Landers, SMH Ismar, JL Matthews, ME Hauber
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (2), 1189-1198, 2012
Integration over song classification replicates: Song variant analysis in the hihi
L Ranjard, SJ Withers, DH Brunton, HA Ross, S Parsons
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (5), 2542-2551, 2015
Genomic impact of severe population decline in a nomadic songbird
R Crates, G Olah, M Adamski, N Aitken, S Banks, D Ingwersen, L Ranjard, ...
PLoS One 14 (10), e0223953, 2019
MatlabHTK: a simple interface for bioacoustic analyses using hidden Markov models
L Ranjard, BS Reed, TJ Landers, MJ Rayner, MR Friesen, RL Sagar, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (5), 615-621, 2017
Population genomics of a predatory mammal reveals patterns of decline and impacts of exposure to toxic toads
B von Takach, L Ranjard, CP Burridge, SF Cameron, T Cremona, ...
Molecular Ecology 31 (21), 5468-5486, 2022
Visualization and Quantification of Mesenchymal Cell Adipogenic Differentiation Potential with a Lineage Specific Marker
J Eom, V Feisst, L Ranjard, K Loomes, T Damani, V Jackson-Patel, ...
The Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018
Complete mitochondrial genome of the green-lipped mussel, Perna canaliculus (Mollusca: Mytiloidea), from long nanopore sequencing reads
L Ranjard, TKF Wong, C Külheim, AG Rodrigo, NLC Ragg, S Patel, ...
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 3 (1), 2018
Assemblage of Focal Species Recognizers—AFSR: A technique for decreasing false indications of presence from acoustic automatic identification in a multiple species context
IB Campos, TJ Landers, KD Lee, WG Lee, MR Friesen, AC Gaskett, ...
Plos one 14 (12), e0212727, 2019
Geographic patterns of song variation reveal timing of song acquisition in a wild avian population
L Ranjard, SJ Withers, DH Brunton, S Parsons, HA Ross
Behavioral Ecology 28 (4), 1085-1092, 2017
Modelling Competition and Dispersal in a Statistical Phylogeographic Framework
L Ranjard, D Welch, M Paturel, S Guindon
Systematic Biology 63 (5), 743-752, 2014
Computational biology of bird song evolution
L Ranjard
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2010
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Articles 1–20