Vikram Pudi
Vikram Pudi
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Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining
BS Yang, ZH Zhou, Z Gong, ML Zhang, SJ Huang
Proceedings 405, 2014
Autolearn—automated feature generation and selection
A Kaul, S Maheshwary, V Pudi
2017 IEEE International Conference on data mining (ICDM), 217-226, 2017
Sequential variational autoencoders for collaborative filtering
N Sachdeva, G Manco, E Ritacco, V Pudi
Proceedings of the twelfth ACM international conference on web search and …, 2019
Generating natural language attacks in a hard label black box setting
R Maheshwary, S Maheshwary, V Pudi
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (15), 13525 …, 2021
Fuzzy association rule mining algorithm for fast and efficient performance on very large datasets
A Mangalampalli, V Pudi
2009 IEEE international conference on fuzzy systems, 1163-1168, 2009
Paper2vec: Combining graph and text information for scientific paper representation
S Ganguly, V Pudi
Advances in Information Retrieval: 39th European Conference on IR Research …, 2017
Class based weighted k-nearest neighbor over imbalance dataset
H Dubey, V Pudi
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 17th Pacific-Asia …, 2013
Predicting the Outcome of ODI Cricket Matches: A Team Composition Based Approach.
MG Jhanwar, V Pudi
MLSA@ PKDD/ECML 78, 2016
Attentive neural architecture incorporating song features for music recommendation
N Sachdeva, K Gupta, V Pudi
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 417-421, 2018
Deep secure: A fast and simple neural network based approach for user authentication and identification via keystroke dynamics
S Maheshwary, S Ganguly, V Pudi
IWAISe: first international workshop on artificial intelligence in security 59, 2017
Author2Vec: Learning Author Representations by Combining Content and Link Information.
J Ganesh, S Ganguly, M Gupta, V Varma, V Pudi
WWW (Companion volume), 49-50, 2016
Disc: Data-intensive similarity measure for categorical data
A Desai, H Singh, V Pudi
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 15th Pacific-Asia …, 2011
Frequent itemset based hierarchical document clustering using wikipedia as external knowledge
K GVR, R Shankar, V Pudi
International conference on knowledge-based and intelligent information and …, 2010
Data mining: concepts and techniques
V Pudi
Oxford University press, 2008
Using prefix-trees for efficiently computing set joins
R Jampani, V Pudi
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 10th International Conference …, 2005
An efficient algorithm for ranking research papers based on citation network
AP Singh, K Shubhankar, V Pudi
2011 3rd Conference on data mining and optimization (DMO), 88-95, 2011
A feature-pair-based associative classification approach to look-alike modeling for conversion-oriented user-targeting in tail campaigns
A Mangalampalli, A Ratnaparkhi, AO Hatch, A Bagherjeiran, R Parekh, ...
Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World wide web …, 2011
Quantifying the utility of the past in mining large databases
V Pudi, JR Haritsa
Information Systems 25 (5), 323-343, 2000
A strong baseline for query efficient attacks in a black box setting
R Maheshwary, S Maheshwary, V Pudi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.04775, 2021
ARMOR: Association Rule Mining based on ORacle.
V Pudi, JR Haritsa
FIMI, 2003
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Articles 1–20