patrick chaumet
patrick chaumet
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Time-averaged total force on a dipolar sphere in an electromagnetic field
PC Chaumet, M Nieto-Vesperinas
Optics letters 25 (15), 1065-1067, 2000
Optical trapping and manipulation of nano-objects with an apertureless probe
PC Chaumet, A Rahmani, M Nieto-Vesperinas
Physical review letters 88 (12), 123601, 2002
Optical binding of particles with or without the presence of a flat dielectric surface
PC Chaumet, M Nieto-Vesperinas
Physical Review B 64 (3), 035422, 2001
Near-field photonic forces
M Nieto-Vesperinas, PC Chaumet, A Rahmani
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 2004
Coupled dipole method determination of the electromagnetic force on a particle over a flat dielectric substrate
PC Chaumet, M Nieto-Vesperinas
Physical Review B 61 (20), 14119, 2000
Coupled dipole method for scatterers with large permittivity
PC Chaumet, A Sentenac, A Rahmani
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (3 …, 2004
Superresolution in total internal reflection tomography
K Belkebir, PC Chaumet, A Sentenac
JOSA A 22 (9), 1889-1897, 2005
Surface plasmon excitation on a single subwavelength hole in a metallic sheet
E Popov, N Bonod, M Nevière, H Rigneault, PF Lenne, P Chaumet
Applied optics 44 (12), 2332-2337, 2005
Experimental Demonstration of Quantitative Imaging beyond Abbe’s Limit<? format?> with Optical Diffraction Tomography
G Maire, F Drsek, J Girard, H Giovannini, A Talneau, D Konan, K Belkebir, ...
Physical review letters 102 (21), 213905, 2009
Beyond the Rayleigh criterion: grating assisted far-field optical diffraction tomography
A Sentenac, PC Chaumet, K Belkebir
Physical review letters 97 (24), 243901, 2006
Generalization of the coupled dipole method to periodic structures
PC Chaumet, A Rahmani, GW Bryant
Physical Review B 67 (16), 165404, 2003
Optical trapping near a photonic crystal
A Rahmani, PC Chaumet
Optics express 14 (13), 6353-6358, 2006
Evanescent light scattering: the validity of the dipole approximation
PC Chaumet, A Rahmani, F de Fornel, JP Dufour
Physical Review B 58 (4), 2310, 1998
Influence of multiple scattering on three-dimensional imaging with optical diffraction tomography
K Belkebir, PC Chaumet, A Sentenac
JOSA A 23 (3), 586-595, 2006
Subdiffraction light focusing on a grating substrate
A Sentenac, PC Chaumet
Physical review letters 101 (1), 013901, 2008
Electromagnetic force on a metallic particle in the presence of a dielectric surface
PC Chaumet, M Nieto-Vesperinas
Physical Review B 62 (16), 11185, 2000
Isotropic diffraction-limited focusing using a single objective lens
E Mudry, E Le Moal, P Ferrand, PC Chaumet, A Sentenac
Physical review letters 105 (20), 203903, 2010
Electric potential and field between two different spheres
PC Chaumet, JP Dufour
Journal of electrostatics 43 (2), 145-159, 1998
Coupled dipole method to compute optical torque: Application to a micropropeller
PC Chaumet, C Billaudeau
Journal of applied physics 101 (2), 2007
Far-field diffraction microscopy at λ/10 resolution
T Zhang, C Godavarthi, PC Chaumet, G Maire, H Giovannini, A Talneau, ...
Optica 3 (6), 609-612, 2016
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