Fractal characterization of complexity in temporal physiological signals A Eke, P Herman, L Kocsis, LR Kozak Physiological measurement 23 (1), R1, 2002 | 785 | 2002 |
The modified Beer–Lambert law revisited L Kocsis, P Herman, A Eke Physics in Medicine & Biology 51 (5), N91, 2006 | 748 | 2006 |
Biology and management of grape phylloxera J Granett, MA Walker, L Kocsis, AD Omer Annual review of entomology 46 (1), 387-412, 2001 | 390 | 2001 |
Gait patterns before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Z Knoll, L Kocsis, RM Kiss Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 12, 7-14, 2004 | 185 | 2004 |
Gait adaptation in ACL deficient patients before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery Z Knoll, RM Kiss, L Kocsis Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 14 (3), 287-294, 2004 | 178 | 2004 |
Maturation of cardiovagal autonomic function from childhood to young adult age Z Lenard, P Studinger, B Mersich, L Kocsis, M Kollai Circulation 110 (16), 2307-2312, 2004 | 168 | 2004 |
Joint kinematics and spatial–temporal parameters of gait measured by an ultrasound-based system RM Kiss, L Kocsis, Z Knoll Medical engineering & physics 26 (7), 611-620, 2004 | 112 | 2004 |
Rare earth elements and stable isotope geochemistry (δ13C and δ18O) of phosphorite deposits in the Gafsa Basin, Tunisia A Ounis, L Kocsis, F Chaabani, HR Pfeifer Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 268 (1-2), 1-18, 2008 | 107 | 2008 |
Factors influencing grafting success and compatibility of grape rootstocks S Vršič, B Pulko, L Kocsis Scientia Horticulturae 181, 168-173, 2015 | 106 | 2015 |
Comprehensive stable isotope investigation of marine biogenic apatite from the late Cretaceous–early Eocene phosphate series of Morocco L Kocsis, E Gheerbrant, M Mouflih, H Cappetta, J Yans, M Amaghzaz Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 394, 74-88, 2014 | 93 | 2014 |
Prediction of the main cortical areas and connections involved in the tactile function of the visual cortex by network analysis L Négyessy, T Nepusz, L Kocsis, F Bazsó European Journal of Neuroscience 23 (7), 1919-1930, 2006 | 92 | 2006 |
Genetic diversity and parentage analysis of grape rootstocks S Riaz, D Pap, J Uretsky, V Laucou, JM Boursiquot, L Kocsis, ... Theoretical and Applied Genetics 132, 1847-1860, 2019 | 88 | 2019 |
Dormant Buds and Adventitious Root Formation by Vitis and Other Woody Plants DR Smart, L Kocsis, M Andrew Walker, C Stockert Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 21, 296-314, 2002 | 85 | 2002 |
Static and dynamic changes in carotid artery diameter in humans during and after strenuous exercise P Studinger, Z Lénárd, Z Kováts, L Kocsis, M Kollai The Journal of physiology 550 (2), 575-583, 2003 | 84 | 2003 |
Effect of Seasonal Changes on Content and Profile of Soluble Carbohydrates in Tubers of Different Varieties of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) L Kocsis, P Liebhard, W Praznik Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 (23), 9401-9408, 2007 | 79 | 2007 |
Grain velocity distribution in a mixed flow dryer I Keppler, L Kocsis, I Oldal, I Farkas, A Csatar Advanced Powder Technology 23 (6), 824-832, 2012 | 69 | 2012 |
NGS of virus-derived small RNAs as a diagnostic method used to determine viromes of Hungarian vineyards N Czotter, J Molnar, E Szabó, E Demian, L Kontra, I Baksa, G Szittya, ... Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 122, 2018 | 68 | 2018 |
Comprehensive REE+ Y and sensitive redox trace elements of Algerian phosphorites (Tébessa, eastern Algeria): A geochemical study and depositional environments tracking R Kechiched, R Laouar, O Bruguier, L Kocsis, S Salmi-Laouar, D Bosch, ... Journal of Geochemical Exploration 208, 106396, 2020 | 67 | 2020 |
Glauconite-bearing sedimentary phosphorites from the Tébessa region (eastern Algeria): Evidence of REE enrichment and geochemical constraints on their origin R Kechiched, R Laouar, O Bruguier, S Salmi-Laouar, L Kocsis, D Bosch, ... Journal of African Earth Sciences 145, 190-200, 2018 | 66 | 2018 |
Identification and characterization of grapevine genetic resources maintained in Eastern European Collections E Maul, R Töpfer, F Carka, V Cornea, M Crespan, M Dallakyan, ... Vitis 54 (Special issue), 5-12, 2015 | 61 | 2015 |