Prof. Dr. Filiz Bektas Balcik
Cited by
Cited by
Forage quality of savannas—Simultaneously mapping foliar protein and polyphenols for trees and grass using hyperspectral imagery
AK Skidmore, JG Ferwerda, O Mutanga, SE Van Wieren, M Peel, ...
Remote sensing of environment 114 (1), 64-72, 2010
Comparison between random forest and support vector machine algorithms for LULC classification
C Avcı, M Budak, N Yağmur, F Balçık
International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 8 (1), 1-10, 2023
Determining the impact of urban components on land surface temperature of Istanbul by using remote sensing indices
F Bektaş Balçik
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 859-872, 2014
Comparison of object and pixel-based classifications for mapping crops using Rapideye imagery: a case study of Menemen Plain, Turkey
MT Esetlili, FB Balcik, FB Sanli, K Kalkan, M Ustuner, C Goksel, ...
International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics 5 (2), 231-243, 2018
Validation of MODIS C6. 1 and MERRA-2 AOD using AERONET observations: A comparative study over Turkey
M Aldabash, F Bektas Balcik, P Glantz
Atmosphere 11 (9), 905, 2020
Assessment of renewable energy potential and policy in Turkey–Toward the acquisition period in European Union
ST Basaran, AO Dogru, FB Balcik, NN Ulugtekin, C Goksel, S Sozen
Environmental Science & Policy 46, 82-94, 2015
Forecasting land-cover growth using remotely sensed data: a case study of the Igneada protection area in Turkey
AG Bozkaya, FB Balcik, C Goksel, H Esbah
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-18, 2015
Remote sensing and GIS integration for land cover analysis, a case study: Bozcaada Island
F Bektas, C Goksel
Water Science and Technology 51 (11), 239-244, 2005
Object-Based Classification of Greenhouses Using Sentinel-2 MSI and SPOT-7 Images: A Case Study from Anamur (Mersin), Turkey
F Bektas Balcik, G Senel, C Goksel
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Burned area detection using multi-sensor SAR, optical, and thermal data in Mediterranean pine forest
S Abdikan, C Bayik, A Sekertekin, F Bektas Balcik, S Karimzadeh, ...
Forests 13 (2), 347, 2022
Assessment of spatio-temporal changes in water surface extents and lake surface temperatures using Google Earth Engine for lakes region, Türkiye
MMY Albarqouni, N Yagmur, F Bektas Balcik, A Sekertekin
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11 (7), 407, 2022
Fusion of multisensor remote sensing data: assessing the quality of resulting images
E Saroglu, F Bektas, N Musaoglu, C Goksel
Int. Arch. Photogram. Rem. Sens. Spatial. Inform. Sci 35, 575-579, 2004
Comparing spatial interpolation methods for mapping meteorological data in Turkey
M Keskin, AO Dogru, FB Balcik, C Goksel, N Ulugtekin, S Sozen
Energy systems and management, 33-42, 2015
Greenhouse mapping using object based classification and sentinel-2 satellite imagery
FB Balcik, G Senel, C Goksel
2019 8th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro …, 2019
Defining temporal spatial patterns of mega city Istanbul to see the impacts of increasing population
FB Sanli, FB Balcik, C Goksel
Environmental monitoring and assessment 146, 267-275, 2008
Definition of sensitive areas in a lakeshore by using remote sensing and GIS
C Goksel, DE Mercan, S Kabdasli, F Bektas, DZ Seker
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 13 (9), 860-864, 2004
Testing the potential of vegetation indices for land use/cover classification using high resolution data
A Karakacan Kuzucu, F Bektas Balcik
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2017
Determination of magnitude and direction of land use/land cover changes in Terkos Water Basin, Istanbul
F Bektas Balcik, C Goksel
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2012
Fusion of sar images (PALSAR and RADARSAT-1) with multispectral spot image: a comparative analysis of resulting images
S Abdikan, F Balik Sanli, F Bektas Balcik, C Goksel
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2008
Spatio-temporal analysis of PM2. 5 over Marmara region, Turkey
C Kahya, FB Balcik, YB Oztaner, D Ozcomak, DZ Seker
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26 (1), 310-317, 2017
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Articles 1–20