Dmitry Kvashnin
Dmitry Kvashnin
Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS
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Large scale growth and characterization of atomic hexagonal boron nitride layers
L Song, L Ci, H Lu, PB Sorokin, C Jin, J Ni, AG Kvashnin, DG Kvashnin, ...
Nano letters 10 (8), 3209-3215, 2010
Diamond-like C2H nanolayer, diamane: simulation of the structure and properties
DGK Leonid Alexandrovich Chernozatonskii, Pavel Borisovich Sorokin ...
Jetp Letters 90 (2), 134-138, 2009
Tuning of the optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of boron nitride nanosheets with oxygen doping and functionalization
Q Weng, DG Kvashnin, X Wang, O Cretu, Y Yang, M Zhou, C Zhang, ...
Advanced materials 29 (28), 1700695, 2017
Nanomechanical cleavage of molybdenum disulphide atomic layers
DM Tang, DG Kvashnin, S Najmaei, Y Bando, K Kimoto, P Koskinen, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3631, 2014
Young’s Modulus and Tensile Strength of Ti3C2 MXene Nanosheets As Revealed by In Situ TEM Probing, AFM Nanomechanical Mapping, and Theoretical …
KL Firestein, JE von Treifeldt, DG Kvashnin, JFS Fernando, C Zhang, ...
Nano letters 20 (8), 5900-5908, 2020
Influence of size effect on the electronic and elastic properties of diamond films with nanometer thickness
LA Chernozatonskii, PB Sorokin, AA Kuzubov, BP Sorokin, AG Kvashnin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (1), 132-136, 2011
Al-based composites reinforced with AlB2, AlN and BN phases: Experimental and theoretical studies
AE Steinman, S Corthay, KL Firestein, DG Kvashnin, AM Kovalskii, ...
Materials & Design 141, 88-98, 2018
The impact of edges and dopants on the work function of graphene nanostructures: The way to high electronic emission from pure carbon medium
DG Kvashnin, PB Sorokin, JW Brüning, LA Chernozatonskii
Applied Physics Letters 102 (18), 2013
Exotic two-dimensional structure: the first case of hexagonal NaCl
KA Tikhomirova, C Tantardini, EV Sukhanova, ZI Popov, SA Evlashin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (10), 3821-3827, 2020
Nanostructuring few-layer graphene films with swift heavy ions for electronic application: tuning of electronic and transport properties
NA Nebogatikova, IV Antonova, SV Erohin, DG Kvashnin, A Olejniczak, ...
Nanoscale 10 (30), 14499-14509, 2018
One-atom-thick 2D copper oxide clusters on graphene
E Kano, DG Kvashnin, S Sakai, LA Chernozatonskii, PB Sorokin, ...
Nanoscale 9 (11), 3980-3985, 2017
Effect of ultrahigh stiffness of defective graphene from atomistic point of view
DG Kvashnin, PB Sorokin
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (12), 2384-2387, 2015
Semiconductor nanochannels in metallic carbon nanotubes by thermomechanical chirality alteration
DM Tang, SV Erohin, DG Kvashnin, VA Demin, O Cretu, S Jiang, L Zhang, ...
Science 374 (6575), 1616-1620, 2021
Features of electronic, mechanical, and electromechanical properties of fluorinated diamond films of nanometer thickness
AG Kvashnin, PV Avramov, DG Kvashnin, LA Chernozatonskii, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (51), 28484-28489, 2017
Fully hydrogenated and fluorinated bigraphenes–diamanes: theoretical and experimental studies
LA Chernozatonskii, VA Demin, DG Kvashnin
C 7 (1), 17, 2021
Temperature-dependent structural transformation and friction behavior of nanocomposite VCN-(Ag) coatings
AV Bondarev, DG Kvashnin, IV Shchetinin, DV Shtansky
Materials & Design 160, 964-973, 2018
Bilayered semiconductor graphene nanostructures with periodically arranged hexagonal holes
DG Kvashnin, P Vancsó, LY Antipina, GI Márk, LP Biró, PB Sorokin, ...
Nano Research 8, 1250-1258, 2015
Microstructure evolution during AlSi10Mg molten alloy/BN microflake interactions in metal matrix composites obtained through 3D printing
AS Konopatsky, DG Kvashnin, S Corthay, I Boyarintsev, KL Firestein, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 859, 157765, 2021
Density functional study of -oriented thin silicon nanowires
PB Sorokin, PV Avramov, AG Kvashnin, DG Kvashnin, SG Ovchinnikov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (23), 235417, 2008
Toward stronger Al–BN nanotube composite materials: Insights into bonding at the Al/BN interface from first-principles calculations
AV Krasheninnikov, N Berseneva, DG Kvashnin, J Enkovaara, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (46), 26894-26901, 2014
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