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77 2016 Deforming Euclidean cone 3–manifolds J Porti, H Weiss
Geometry & Topology 11 (3), 1507-1538, 2007
44 2007 Local rigidity of 3-dimensional cone-manifolds H Weiss
Journal of Differential Geometry 71 (3), 437-506, 2005
41 2005 Asymptotic geometry of the moduli space of parabolic SL (2, C) SL(2,C)‐Higgs bundles L Fredrickson, R Mazzeo, J Swoboda, H Weiss
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 106 (2), 590-661, 2022
37 2022 A heat flow for special metrics H Weiß, F Witt
Advances in Mathematics 231 (6), 3288-3322, 2012
36 2012 Asymptotic geometry of the Hitchin metric R Mazzeo, J Swoboda, H Weiss, F Witt
Communications in Mathematical Physics 367, 151-191, 2019
31 2019 A spinorial energy functional: critical points and gradient flow B Ammann, H Weiss, F Witt
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31 2016 The deformation theory of hyperbolic cone–3–manifolds with cone-angles less than 2π H Weiss
Geometry & Topology 17 (1), 329-367, 2013
29 2013 Limiting configurations for solutions of Hitchin’s equation R Mazzeo, J Swoboda, H Weiß, F Witt
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24 2012 Teichmüller theory for conic surfaces R Mazzeo, H Weiss
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23 2017 Energy functionals and soliton equations for G2 -forms H Weiss, F Witt
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18 2012 Global rigidity of 3-dimensional cone-manifolds H Weiss
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18 2007 Holonomy rigidity for Ricci-flat metrics B Ammann, K Kröncke, H Weiss, F Witt
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7 2016 All 81 crepant resolutions of a finite quotient singularity are hyperpolygon spaces G Bellamy, A Craw, S Rayan, T Schedler, H Weiss
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6 2021 Complex twist flows on surface group representations and the local shape of the deformation space of hyperbolic cone–3–manifolds G Montcouquiol, H Weiß
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5 2020 An exact energy and momentum conserving integration scheme for the nonlinear dynamics of geometrically exact threads H Weiss
Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 78 (Suppl 2), 1998
3 1998 The variation formulas for the equivariant Ray-Singer metric H Weiß
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1 2009 Mini-Workshop: Singularities in -geometry A Degeratu, M Haskins, H Weiß
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