V Kumar
V Kumar
Goodman School of Business, Brock University, Marketing
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Customer experience management in retailing: An organizing framework
D Grewal, M Levy, V Kumar
Journal of retailing 85 (1), 1-14, 2009
Customer engagement: the construct, antecedents, and consequences
A Pansari, V Kumar
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45, 294-311, 2017
On the profitability of long-life customers in a noncontractual setting: An empirical investigation and implications for marketing
WJ Reinartz, V Kumar
Journal of marketing 64 (4), 17-35, 2000
Pesquisa de marketing
DA Aaker, V Kumar, GS Day
Atlas, 1999
Competitive advantage through engagement
V Kumar, A Pansari
Journal of marketing research 53 (4), 497-514, 2016
Building and sustaining profitable customer loyalty for the 21st century
V Kumar, D Shah
Journal of retailing 80 (4), 317-329, 2004
Modeling customer lifetime value
S Gupta, D Hanssens, B Hardie, W Kahn, V Kumar, N Lin, N Ravishanker, ...
Journal of service research 9 (2), 139-155, 2006
Revisiting the satisfaction–loyalty relationship: empirical generalizations and directions for future research
V Kumar, I Dalla Pozza, J Ganesh
Journal of retailing 89 (3), 246-262, 2013
Convalescent plasma in the management of moderate covid-19 in adults in India: open label phase II multicentre randomised controlled trial (PLACID Trial)
A Agarwal, A Mukherjee, G Kumar, P Chatterjee, T Bhatnagar, P Malhotra
bmj 371, 2020
Putting one-to-one marketing to work: Personalization, customization, and choice
N Arora, X Dreze, A Ghose, JD Hess, R Iyengar, B Jing, Y Joshi, V Kumar, ...
Marketing Letters 19, 305-321, 2008
Customer Relationship Management: A Databased Approach
V Kumar
Wiley, 2006
Multichannel shopping: causes and consequences
R Venkatesan, V Kumar, N Ravishanker
Journal of marketing 71 (2), 114-132, 2007
Bad outputs
S Murty, RR Russell
Handbook of production economics, 1-53, 2020
Measuring the effect of retail store promotions on brand and store substitution
V Kumar, RP Leone
Journal of marketing research 25 (2), 178-185, 1988
Practice Prize Winner—Creating a Measurable Social Media Marketing Strategy: Increasing the Value and ROI of Intangibles and Tangibles for Hokey Pokey
V Kumar, V Bhaskaran, R Mirchandani, M Shah
Marketing Science 32 (2), 194-212, 2013
Expanding the role of marketing: from customer equity to market capitalization
V Kumar, D Shah
Journal of Marketing 73 (6), 119-136, 2009
The impact of customer relationship management implementation on cost and profit efficiencies: evidence from the US commercial banking industry
A Krasnikov, S Jayachandran, V Kumar
Journal of marketing 73 (6), 61-76, 2009
Are product returns a necessary evil? Antecedents and consequences
JA Petersen, V Kumar
Journal of Marketing 73 (3), 35-51, 2009
Driving profitability by encouraging customer referrals: Who, when, and how
V Kumar, JA Petersen, RP Leone
Journal of Marketing 74 (5), 1-17, 2010
International marketing research
V Kumar
The handbook of marketing research: Uses, misuses, and future advances, 628-645, 2006
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Articles 1–20